Blocked buyer comes back again to purchase. EBAY PLEASE HELP!!

Now, here is the story.
On November 17 2009, a guy from the US purchased 3 blu-rays from us (about $250). We simply shipped them in 3 different packages to avoid damages and save cost (no tracking number). On December 10, 2009, he purchased another 4 blu-rays from us (that cost another $350). We shipped the second package with tracking number since this shipment is over $300.

The most interesting thing is that this guy then claimed paypal after we shipped the second shipment (after Dec. 10) that he never received anything from the first shipment (3 different packages) from us. Would you buy from us again if you never received anything after 1 month? Of course, he won since we had no tracking number: losing all 3 packages at the same time?? Now, since the second shipment had tracking number, he then claimed paypal that he received totally different things (French version, dented box, missing disks etc). Of course, paypal requires him to ship back and yet he shipped back total junk!! He won again, getting all of our blu-rays at no cost. Other sellers of blu-rays also contacted me about him. Apparently, he did similar things to other sellers and got his free blu-rays (filed claims to paypal).

Of course, as soon as he filed paypal, his id was in our block-list. Now, he comes back using another ebay id with a different first and last name from the same physical address, buying $300 worth of blu-rays from us again TODAY. We checked feedback from both accounts. The feedback that he left to his sellers from both accounts are exactly the same, words for words.

I was talking with ebay's rep. for the last 1.5 hrs. All they told me was that they will investigate and they can't tell me anything. They also suggested to complete the transaction. What? Selling to this guy again?

Two options ebay suggested:
1. if he does not pay, file an unpaid dispute after 4 days. Honestly, do you think he will not pay? He just wants my blu-ray for free.
2. ebay suggested me to email him politely and told him that I cannot sell to him.

OK. He has not paid yet. Now, I just emailed him, telling him that "sorry, we cannot sell to him". He emailed me back and said the following

"what do you mean you just cant sell them??? thats not a reason.

ebay guidelines dictate that we both have entered a contract, and I am not going to have you file Unpaid Item Disputes against me because you dont have a good enough reason not to follow through with this sale."

I am stuck! Hopefully, ebay will suspend him. Not sure if I can post id. if I am allowed, I would post both id here for every powersellers here. Let me know and thanks. Sorry for the long story.
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Re: Blocked buyer comes back again to purchase. EBAY PLEASE HELP!!

I think you should have said that you "won't" sell to him.

If you go to your feedback page and click on the "leave feedback" link at the bottom, and look up the transactions for these most recent items, there will be a "report problems with this transaction" link under every line.

I believe that this is where you report an "Unwelcome bidder" for "circumventing your BBL". That's ebay-illegal and it should get the old and new ID permanently suspended and the IP address blocked - one of the other PS did that to a guy a short time ago.

It may be a duplication of effort, but I've found with ebay that you have to report the person using the proper link, just like any other large organization.

So see if that works.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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Re: Blocked buyer comes back again to purchase. EBAY PLEASE HELP!!

If you shipped by Postal service report him to the US Postal Inspectors. Ebay may pussyfoot around "bad buyers" but if the Postal Inspectors decide to act he my well get a free "home" for a few years. You might also want to contact his local police department. If it was a Canadian buyer I think the RCMP handles postal fraud, and if my feeble memory is correct both countries have places online where you can start a complaint

Selling things always has risks involved, be it in B & M, by mail order, or over the internet ( nothing more than mail order with really fast mail). As sellers if we should go after the deadbeats in any legal way possible, and not just ask Ebay to protect us as sellers. In the Stamp Trade we have had private lists for years of deadbeats, switchers, bad cheque artistes, etc. If you look around in any industry you will probably find an equivalent service. You may have to pay something for the service, but that would be better than a large loss.
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Re: Blocked buyer comes back again to purchase. EBAY PLEASE HELP!!

Suspending the ID will not help, fraudster found a gold-mine and he will come back one way or another.

PayPal and eBay will likely not help you unless there is many complaints.

I think police will act if theft is over $1000 so put together your loss with other sellers who contacted you and together contact police. I heard FBI is quite interested in hearing about internet fraud too. Once you have a police working on it, offer the fraudster to drop the charges if he promptly fully returns all stolen goods or pays for them. He will still end up on the police watch-list and have a hidden record.
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Re: Blocked buyer comes back again to purchase. EBAY PLEASE HELP!!

The FBI site for online fraud is

The RCMP link is
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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Re: Blocked buyer comes back again to purchase. EBAY PLEASE HELP!!

Thanks for everyone's help. I honestly trust that ebay cannot help in this case as they keep coming back. I will file a complaint with the FBI (the buyer is from the USA) and perhaps, contact other sellers who have contacted me about this person too. Thanks again.
Message 6 of 7
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Re: Blocked buyer comes back again to purchase. EBAY PLEASE HELP!!

Contact the other sellers FIRST, THEN go to the FBI.

Your case is much more credible if you can show a pattern of theft from multiple sellers.

There are a couple of people serving time now from New York State for doing something like this (twice).

Show the FBI that they can get a larger than normal score and they'll jump at it.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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