Brand new store owner need some advice

Hi, Im only days with my store so please excuse what Im sure in time I would think there stupid question s, but for now Im asking




I will most likely have 40 to 50 listings in my item. Before my store I was listing Buy It Now item at a day inter vole. Would you recommend me to stay the same or should I increase the listing time. 


I have always thought that the lower the days listed, the better placement I received, so this concerns me as well. What kind of placement / exposure would I get if I increase the listing time.


Pricing in a store? should I increase or stay the same? I read recently in one of the threads that they were able to marginally increase there price per item with a store. Just wondering if that is really true?

Message 1 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

I think that you mean you were listing for 10 that right?


I've wondered about that as well. I usually list in shorter durations when there is a promo on but for the most part I do 30 day listings. I do notice that a listing often sells just before it has ended or shortly after it was listed but when I've done shorter listings, I haven't noticed an increase in sales so I can't give a definitive answer. Hopefully someone else will give their opinion on this.


As far as been able to charge more because you have a store, I remember that post but I don't really see what the basis for that would be. 

Message 2 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

As PJ suggested, fixed price listings should be for 30 days (or Good Till Cancelled - GTC).


Shorter duration can be used when eBay offers "free listings" but I have yet to see reliable stats giving evidence of increased sales.


I think too much importance is given to where your listings are seen in "Best Match" search.  For example, using a popular item, looking for a Patrick Roy Montreal jersey, I will get 41 listings in "apparel and souvenir" sub-category and many of them have nothing to do with the jersey:


Now, take a good look at the placement of all 41 listings. "time remaining" is NOT the determining factor (except for the few auction listings).  Since that factor does not determine placement, forget about it.


Pricing and shipping charge will be determining factor in the buyer's decision.  That is what you are looking for: a buyer to purchase your item, regardless whether eBay places your listing 5th or 25th on the page.


Analyze your market:  who buys a Patrick Roy Montreal jersey?  A Canadian or an American?  If you determine the market is in Canada, price it in Canadian dollars! Everything you do in your listing should be to get a buyer to buy.  Keep every aspect of your listings positive.


It would never cross my mind to insert "As there can be errors by both parties I will not refund your return shipping cost " in my listings.  It does not make sense.  As a potential buyer, I would hit the back button immediately. You are in fact suggesting that if you made a mistake you will not refund my return cost.  Who want to deal with such seller?


Take a few minutes to review every policies you have (shipping within 2 days of payment; why not 1 day) that will give you better placement in Best Match. (14 day return, why not 30 days, that would also give you better placement), etc...


Good Luck.

Message 3 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

As far as pricing in store being different than pricing without a store - it is a myth.


ALL listings end up on the same search page.  At time of searching, a potential buyer does not know if you have a store or not.


Regarding "interval", if you mean listing a few items every day so they do not all end at the same time, once again, I have seen no evidence of relevancy unless you deal with a huge number of auction items (Jay and Marie end 400 auction listings every night).


Buy-it-Now fixed price listings end whenever a buyer buys.  If you have multiple quantities of the same items, the listings end whenever they are sold out.



Message 4 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

What I did when I first opened my Store was list 7 day auctions and then relist Unsolds as Fixed Price. This meant always having new auctions open, but none of my stock languished unlisted when all the work was already done.

It may just be superstitious, but I use Sell Similar rather than Relist. I believe that it gives me better position that first month of listing. But I also believe there will be a second season of Firefly. 






You do that, you'd best make peace with your dear and fluffy lord. -- Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Message 5 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

Advise always appreciated.


 I have another question.


I have seen and I am trying to load up same items. I have seen other store member being able to do this. Every time I try I get the warning from E bay about the exact listing policy

Message 6 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

Fixed price duplicate listings aren't allowed in a store or non store. If you want to list more than one of the same thing you have to do a multiple listing. You can list two identical auctions however until is a bid, only one will show in search.

Message 7 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

If you have two (or more) identical items offered at fixed price, you only need one listing.  Enter the quantity available in the "quantity" field at time of listing.


I most strongly recommend all fixed price listings with multiple quantities be listed as GTC (Good Till Cancelled).  By doing so, eBay will renew the listing automatically every 30 days and will adjust the quantity available to take items sold into account.


For example, if you start your listing with a quantity of "6" and 2 are sold during the first 30 days, eBay will automatically relist the items with a quantity of "4".


However, if you use 30 day duration for your listings and relist them when they end after 30 days, the relist will show the original quantity of "6" (using the previous example).


For items listed at auction, the quantity can only be one (1).  Dutch auction which allowed multiple quantities have been discontinued years ago.  If you list two (or more) identical items at auction, eBay will accept your listing (and your fees!) but only the first one will be shown on eBay.  Duplicate auction listings will only appear once the first listing gets a bid.


I suggest you take a few minutes and read the "duplicate" policy carefully.


I should mention that if you list on both and, you should always check policies on BOTH sites.  Often they are identical, at other times there will be important differences that may affect you or your listings

Message 8 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

The secret is out of the bag - PJ types faster than me!  She also uses fewer words to get the message across!

Message 9 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

I have to agree with Pierre that stating in your listings that even if the mistake is yours you will not pay return shipping will be a turn off for some buyers. Why should they pay for your mistake?


(the word is accept, not except. 🙂

Message 10 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

I have taken and applied all your suggestions to my store. Much appreciated


 I swear I have seen multiple items that are exact by the same seller , listed. I will have to look again

Message 11 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

Your right about the multiple listing.

I was searching sport jerseys and did see multiple list of the same item, but the name of the players were different. It just gave me the illusion that they were exact listing.

Message 12 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

Just took a look at your most recently listed item.  Found:


"If you think that this does not meet you standards then please be assured that you may return the jersey without any hassle for a full refund"


Perfect!  That is exactly what potential buyers want to see.


In the same listing, I also found:


"I do not provide tracking numbers till the maximum delivery time has expired. So please don't ask"


Frankly, that is totally unnecessary.  As stated earlier, the description portion of a listing shown only show positive and avoid all negativity.


Then, I came across "I will except all returns" ... "If you are not able to except my policy"  


In both instances, you mean to use "accept", not "except".  The same mistakes are found in all your listings.


Finally: " Please don't buy!      "


It is not a great idea to tell folks not to buy from you, regardless of context. You should also lose the wording about "does not require payment of duty and /or taxes, because I will not except it.


Positive, man.  Positive, always positive.


Message 13 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice



Any way of changing the items you mentioned in bulk?

Message 14 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

Made all the changes that you mentioned.

What do you think of giving feedbacks , necessary?

I dont usually follow up with feed backs unless I see a buyer that is new and can use them
Message 15 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

Feedback is voluntary


However, as a seller, I find it important to say "thank you" and positive feedback posted immediately upon receipt of payment is by far the best way to do it.  Generally, sellers quickly posting feedback for their buyers receive a higher percentage of feedback from buyer.


I have always and will continue to disagree with sellers whose policy is to only give feedback when received from buyers.


Selling on eBay is business.  The seller is in business.  The buyer is not.

Message 16 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

One more think.  And it is important.


Having a store on eBay is business. To run a business you need information.  Make sure to check the announcement board on ( is often irrelevant) daily for changes or promotions that may affect you.  For example, today:


Best is to subscribe to having the announcement emailed to you daily.  It is free!

Message 17 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

I took a look at some of your listings, not the store listing, but just the listings. When you click to your open your listing , it opens your  store listing. Where when I click on my listing it just opens as it always has. I like your way better.

Message 18 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

"not the store listing, but just the listings."


They are all the same!  On eBay all your listings go to your store, regardless of the format you use (action or fixed price) or the site where you list (,,,, etc....


"I like your way better."


It is not my choice.  It depends which link the viewer selects.  Same for you.

Message 19 of 24
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Brand new store owner need some advice

Although you have been selling on eBay for many years under this User ID, based on your questions,  am I correct in assuming you are a new employee handling eBay sales for your employer?

Message 20 of 24
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