Buyer ratings regarding shipping times

I feel there is an unfair category in the star rating system with respect to shipping times. Shipping, for the most part is beyond our control, I ship with-in hours of a confirmed order, as I can see our PO from my office window, I ship every day including Saturday and even though my feedback has only praise for my fast shipping, my star rating for shipping time is dismal. Am I responsible for stuff like borders, strikes or slow-downs? I state I am not responsible for all that, but still have this low response. I don't think we sellors, with no control, should be subjected to this rating.
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Buyer ratings regarding shipping times

Bob. You only ship once a day? Just once. You haven't found a postal facility to take your Sunday shipments? Of course you are responsible for border, strikes and especially slow-downs. Who else would be? Me? Well, I think not. It's just YOUR buyers that are cowards as well. They are afraid to verbally ding you in the Feedback so, secretly, hiding in the dark, behind their keyboards, they conspire to seek any and all sellers with the first name Bob, and let them have it with a barrage of 4's, a dash of 3's, the od 2's and to really get under your skin, a solitary 1.

All kidding aside, of course its not a perfect system. Far from it. But, it is the system that's in place, the one, we as sellers have to climatize ourselves to. For some, it was a matter of changing nothing. For others, a matter of some small tweaks. And yet others felt they couldn't succeed in this new "format" so they took their glove and ball and went elsewhere. Some will be back, some wont.

DSR will not mould itself for you, the seller. The shipping star, especially for those who ship Internationally is most certainly a poor indicator of how we actually perform our jobs. Of course, should eBay actually "educate" the buyers, explaining what each star level honestly represents, then perhaps that will be the bone that will placate the sellers. Goodness knows we need something.

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