
Hello, I like to said that is a good idea to keep all your purchases online, I ordered and sometimes take more than 60 days and after that time is gone you can't make a report because is gone. And also to see your purchases and order again from a good seller that you like their products. Thank you 😊
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Re: Buying

@shivi1158 wrote:
Hello, I like to said that is a good idea to keep all your purchases online, I ordered and sometimes take more than 60 days and after that time is gone you can't make a report because is gone. And also to see your purchases and order again from a good seller that you like their products. Thank you 😊

When looking at your purchases on eBay:

You can select which time range to view -- "See orders from:" The last 60 days, 2017, 2016, 2015


eBay feedback has a 60 day limit (a hold over from the days when most deliveries took less than 8 weeks to arrive).


The actual listing information is archived at 90 days, with only a purchase summary left behind.




PayPal currently keeps all payment transactions (but it does require using the hidden legacy side of paypal to access the really old stuff).



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Re: Buying

sometimes take more than 60 days and after that time is gone you can't make a report because is gone.


EBay gives you a window for delivery, and it is well worthwhile to put the last estimated date for delivery on your calendar.

After that date you still have 30 days to open a Dispute in the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page.


The 60 days refers only to Feedback,which tells other buyers about your transaction.

As such, it is worth reading the FB for a seller before buying.


EBay does not pay any attention to FB, which is why you will see sellers with hundreds of negative FB who are still selling.

They stay because:

  • Their customers did not open Disputes and get a refund
  • Only about 40% of transactions get any FB
  • FB is voluntary

If you have also missed the 30 day window for an eBay Dispute, go instead to your Paypal account and open a Dispute there.

The PP Resolution Centre is at the top of your PP account page under Tools.

You have 180 days from payment for a PP Dispute.


In either kind of Dispute, if the seller cannot prove delivery, you will be refunded.

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