CTV News Vancouver - Just did a story on Canada Posts high rates!

On Tuesday Feb 3,2015 - CTV news Vancouver did a story on Canada post's high shipping rates and how so many people from B.C. are travelling across the border to ship parcels. Many of them sending parcels back across Canada for a cheaper rate than Canada post.

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Re: CTV News Vancouver - Just did a story on Canada Posts high rates!

Community Member

Isn't that being unpatriotic? Lack of business will cause CP rates to go even higher and for sellers not close to the border, pay more.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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Re: CTV News Vancouver - Just did a story on Canada Posts high rates!

They should support the CP union employees.

They need high paying jobs so they can cross border shop.

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Re: CTV News Vancouver - Just did a story on Canada Posts high rates!

I'm moving to a border town to use the USPS too. Canada Post is a fricking joke. Our postal system is now a for profit business instead of a service. A mandatory service that has fallen off the rails. If you ask me, it's prime time for a competitor to arise that can offer great small packet rates for eBay sellers.

Can you link the report? I want to watch it.

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Re: CTV News Vancouver - Just did a story on Canada Posts high rates!

I know 4 companies serving Toronto and area who take mail down to USPS, so I presume there will be handful in every major city. Many of these companies never seriously advertise, they just go by word of mouth, so search your local classifieds or ask around, check the cork-board in your local grocery store, check Kijiji, ...

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Re: CTV News Vancouver - Just did a story on Canada Posts high rates!

Our postal system is now a for profit business instead of a service.


Well, yes. That happened back in the 70s when Canada Post became a Crown Corporation and was told that they would no longer be subsidized by the taxpayer.


it's prime time for a competitor to arise that can offer great small packet rates for eBay sellers.

As mentioned, those close to the border can use USPS to ship. They are subsidized by the US taxpayer. And are reportedly pretty close to bankruptcy.

Compare the cost of shipping by courier if you are not near the border, or are not able to take advantage of the services which will , for a small fee, carry your parcels to the USA and post them through the USPS. (chitchatexpress in Toronto and bookstotheborder in Vancouver are the names I know. There is also a company in Calgary and one in Montreal.)

And don't forget the intercity bus lines. They offer a very good rates for larger parcels, but most don't offer to the doorstep service.

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