Canada Post - The Mental Dead Zone (a story)

Today my dad was going to the main central post office in the capital city of the western province where we live so I gave him an online EST-labelled Expedited Parcel package to drop off and told him to just give it to them because everything was prepaid etc. etc.

When he got back he told me that the first person just stared at it and said that they had never seen anything like that before, so she asked person 2 what to do. Person 2 said the she had never seen anything like that before either but she thought that she should weigh it and calculate postage.

My dad told her that it was prepaid and that they were just supposed to accept it and process it. Person 1 and 2 then asked Person 3 what to do. Person 3 thought that it "maybe was something business related" and she gave my dad 2 pages of manifest forms to fill out. He told them that he didn't think that he was supposed to fill out any forms and again told them that I had told him that they were just supposed to accept it and process it.

Person 1, 2, and 3 then went into the back of the post office to see if they could find someone that might know what they were supposed to do. They eventually found person 4 who, after thinking about it for a while and discussing it with everyone, finally decided that yes, they were just supposed to accept it and process it.

Remember that this is the main central post office where this happened. Scary stuff!!!!
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