Customer service issue

 I recently purchased a playstation game from a seller on ebay. The listing for the item had a very specific description including pictures. When I received the item it was not the same item as per the description or pictures and the condition of the item I did receive was beat up on top of that, certainly not in “very good” condition.


I immediately contacted the seller outlining the above issue(s) and as per ebay's guidelines I mentioned that I would prefer to resolve the issue between the two of us rather than involve ebay or getting into a nasty feedback war. The seller replied that I could ship the item back and he would refund my money however that wasn’t sufficient for me as for me to ship it back to him would have cost more than the item was worth in terms of a refund, which didn’t make any sense… me shelling out $17 to ship an item back that I would get a $16 dollar refund back. I countered back and said look I just want the item that I paid for. Please just ship it to me.


At that point he got nasty and started accusing me of trying to get an item for free and stealing from him. I then said look I will pay you more shipping costs, I just want the specific item I paid you good money for. He of course declined so I filed a report for item not received as described of which ebay / paypal decided in my favor and fully refunded my money. I then went back and bought the original item from another seller I intended to previously buy.


About a week after that I left feedback based on the transaction that I had with the seller on the item and I thought that was the end of that. It was nothing but the truth that I didn’t receive the item I purchased and it’s condition was poor.


I go for lunch today and when I get back there is a nice email from ebay’s customer service warning me that my account has been flagged for “Feedback Extortion” and the opening sentence in the email reads “Buyers aren't allowed to threaten sellers with negative Feedback, neutral Feedback, or low Detailed Seller Ratings to obtain goods or services not included in the original listing.”


This is highly upsetting to me. Right off the bat your basis for this claim is inaccurate. I did not once, nor ever attempt to procure something not in the original listing. The item in the description and pictures is all I ever asked for. It is not I who didn’t hold up their end of the ebay user agreement. The seller was the individual who went against the terms of use. Further than that, not only did ebay pin this issue on me just for leaving feedback, they also eradicated any trace of the feedback that I did leave leaving the seller with a squeaky clean feedback score… ???


If buyers aren’t allowed to leave negative feedback to sellers who deserve it what recourse do we have? Are we just expected to take it when a seller steals our hard earned money and then knowing that the seller has no leg to stand on they he proceeds to tell me to buzz off when called out on it? So if I am a seller and someone leaves me negative feedback, albeit whether I was threatened with getting negative feedback or not, all I have to do is contact ebay customer service and they retract the feedback so no future buyers ever can take that information into account?


I called ebay customer service via telephone and had a nice chat with a CSR however she said the decision still stands and the feedback will remain revoked. This is very unfortunate and I highly disagree with this approach. This seller deserves to be known on how they deal with their buyers and what kind of business they are doing.


I also don’t appreciate to be the one made out to be the bad guy in the situation. This outcome needs some serious reevaluation. I have saved all the messages and discussion back and forth between myself and the buyer as well as the email warning me that my account has been flagged and can reproduce them if need be.


Rob D

Message 1 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

I suggest you send all the information you have to .  He is based in Toronto. Good Luck.

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

I'm not surprised the seller got his back up, frankly - your approach fairly screamed 'scammer', whether you intended it or not.


Here are the red flags that I see;



 I mentioned that I would prefer to resolve the issue between the two of us rather than involve ebay...


HUGE red flag to a seller.  That's what scammer do, since ebay is now monitoring buyers for abuses.



  or getting into a nasty feedback war

Threatening feedback damage is also provocative.  Coupled with your request to get a second playstation for nothing, it's actually alsmost feedback extortion.



At that point he got nasty and started accusing me of trying to get an item for free and stealing from him


Honestly, you were trying to get a second playstation for nothing and keep the old one, so the seller was correct that you were trying to get one for free.




 I did not once, nor ever attempt to procure something not in the original listing.



You tried to get a second playstation without sending the first one back.





I doubt that you INTENDED to come across as an extortionist, but the seller and ebay are quite correct that this was the effect of your words.  The proper way to handle it would have been to send the item back - unfortunately, that's the downside of online buying.

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 3 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

@rob_dykens wrote:

He of course declined so I filed a report for item not received as described of which ebay / paypal decided in my favor and fully refunded my money.

I'm confused about this part: did you file an Item Not Received OR an Item Not As Described?


Because if you filed the first one... that might be your mistake, because you already contacted the seller telling him you received the item. Since eBay is monitoring everything, it was pretty easy for them to see you did receive the item, but filed the wrong claim.

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

I'm not quite sure you understood or read my post surplusdealdude. Straight from ebay's customer support section:


"If the item you received doesn't match the seller's description, start by communicating directly with your seller. That's often the best way to resolve things.

If you're not able to work things out with the seller, we recommend you open a case. To do that, go to the Resolution Centre."


If that's a red flag blame ebay, I was only doing what it said to do in their FAQ.


As for the negative feedback, if a seller rips off a buyer, basically you would figure they know negative feedback is on it's way... as I mentioned in my post, what other tools as a buyer do we have other than asking nicely to resolve the issue between both parties?


Furthermore, it wasn't a playstation, it was a game, as well as I didn't ask to get anything for free. I paid money for both the item and shipping costs and he sent me something I didn't buy. I asked him to send me what I did buy. When he balked I said look I'll even give you more shipping money please just send me the item I have already paid you for. Again, did you even bother to read my post or did you skim through it?


I will point out again that ebay reviewed the case as well as all the communications back and forth between the seller and I and decided entirely in my favor so I how am I the scammer?


No, I didn't try to get a second playstation. I asked him to send me the item that I paid him good money for that he didn't send me.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

I'm sorry Lady stark I should have been more clear. Item not as described is what it should say. My apologies.


I assure you that I filed it correctly.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

" I mentioned that I would prefer to resolve the issue between the two of us rather than involve ebay or getting into a nasty feedback war."


Quite frankly, that is the problem.  As soon as you indicated in your message to the seller the possibility to use "nasty" feedback to solve the problem, it is peceived as "feedback extorsion" and will be removed by eBay if the seller asks. It is clearly shown in the feedback removal policy.


You may have been right with your dispute but the mention of possibly using "nasty feedback" allows the seller to have it removed.


The word "feedback" should never be mentionned when attempting to solve a problem.



Message 7 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

OK Pierre thanks, understood. I get your point.


That being said I don't think that my transgressions are worse than sellers not sending the item that they advertise in their listings. I still don't see why I get the slap on the wrist and he walks free.



Message 8 of 9
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Re: Customer service issue

"I get the slap on the wrist and he walks free."




I must be missing something.  Did you not get your money back?

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