Does anyone use a non-registered company with their Venture One Card?

Community Member

I was just wondering if anyone uses their Venture One with a non-registered Business name?

The reason I ask is because I use my eBay name as my company name for my Venture One Card to get the discount. Since I only sell on eBay as a part time job during my free time, I haven't registered my company and never planned to.

Here's the problem that I have... CPost recently issued me a refund on a lost package. But they issued the refund cheque to my eBay name (the co. I made up to use the venture one). And becuase I used my Venture one to ship the item, they could only issue the cheque to my "company name". So now I have a refund from CPost but can't deposit it.

Why can't I deposit the cheque? I need a business bank account, and to open one I have to register a company. I find its not worth it to me to register my company and have to pay all those monthly bank fees just so I can deposit cheques from CPost.

So after all that,

1. Does anyone know If I can use my real name as my company name to use the Venture one card?

2. Does anyone know how I can get this cheque cashed without opening a business bank account?

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Does anyone use a non-registered company with their Venture One Card?

Community Member
1. Yes, you can use your real name. You are a sole-proprietorship.

2. Deposit the cheque to your account via a bank machine. It will just fly through. They don't care whose name is on it as long as no one makes a complaint at the other end, and that isn't going to happen. At the teller, though, they are more strict.



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