FAST 'N FREE means more sales

FAST 'N FREE gives buyers the confidence that their item should arrive within 4 business days for free. Just offer 1-day handling and free expedited shipping.


The following transactions are excluded from your FAST 'N FREE dashboard:

Items and buyers located outside of the continental US

Items listed on eBay Motors (except for the Parts & Accessories category)

Transactions in which buyers select local pickup or freight delivery Items

listed in eBay Classifieds


Learn more: 

Message 1 of 11
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I would never want nothing to do with anything of the sort ... Expedited shipping gauranteed 3 days YA RIGHT.. First of all my 1 supplier who is a few provinces away shiped Expedited take usually about 8 business days ...


I have shipped expedited with 5 business day gaurantee to a town 30 min drive from me and it took 2 full weeks 10 buisness day and i have lost that customer forever because they blamed me but ya 4 business days LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I wish ..

Message 2 of 11
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As stated in the title, this program is for sellers on - meant for American domestic sales.


The problem for Canadian sellers is that we are competing with those sellers for the American market.

Message 3 of 11
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Ya I noticed it was US I was just generalizing ...


I think that is setting buyers up for high expectations and i am not jealous of that at all ...

Message 4 of 11
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Well, well, I suppose it was inevitable in the fast-and-free world of  So free shipping wasn't enough, now it has to be free expedited shipping. 


As a Canadian seller, I'm very dismayed.  I see this as yet another area where American buyers will come to expect the same across borders.  They will not understand the vagaries of international shipping, nor will they care.  :_| 


I hope eBay doesn't try to peddle this in Canada.  I note the usual glowing, unequivocal enticements and blandishments for sellers -- that's a red flag in itself to me! 


The section of this help page I found most intriguing was the statement that eBay would "estimate" delivery based on previous data, and that other functions (such as claims for late delivery, etc.) would flow from that estimate.  That seems like an awful lot of statistical information for eBay to be collecting and acting on, if you consider the potential number of transactions involved. 


Hmmm... is eBay about to take over the USPS too?  

Message 5 of 11
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"They will not understand the vagaries of international shipping, nor will they care"


eBay does understand... but as you correctly stated, they do not care.


eBay Inc is based in the USA and its first goal is to assist American buyers and sellers.


Canadians wishing to use that venue have to understand that they will always be treated as "second class citizens".  That does not mean one should not use it.  However, as Canadians we compete with Americans supplied with much better and more effective tools.


Nobody ever said selling on eBay would be easy.


Message 6 of 11
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"They will not understand the vagaries of international shipping, nor will they care"


eBay does understand... but as you correctly stated, they do not care.


No, no, I was referring to American buyers not understanding or caring, when they compare Canadian listings to U.S. eBay listings.


Of course you are right that we Canadians have always had to compete with American eBay sellers who not only have a much more enormous domestic market, but also better facilities.  However, it has not remained a steady, level road over the years.  I'm feeling that I've been scraping my way uphill particularly in the past 2 years, and, to continue the metaphor, expect to be feeling a few more rocks and stones rolling down on me should this new programme catch on in the U.S. 


There will come a point where it's no longer viable for me here.  Not yet, but this is another load of gravel coming our way as Canadian sellers on eBay. 


You are quite correct, I'm sure the concerns of the wee small gnats up here in the GWN are fairly insignificant to the head honchos at eBay. 

Message 7 of 11
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 I'm sure that FAST 'N FREE has been showing on .com since last fall or perhaps sooner so if it was going to affect would have already done so.


Message 8 of 11
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Not applicable

When I read this insane offer by eBay, I laughed my head off because it is so INSANE!! 


If eBay really, really, really want us to use this service, they need to work with USPS (possible Canada Post later if eBay wants to use it on Canada website) to make this deal really attractive by having a way lovely low discount on Expedited that we can offer free Expedited Shipping to attract our buyers.  It is really hard to have to increase price in the item price to cover it.  Otherwise, "phfft" to this offer like Whoopi Goldberg did to Patrick Swayze in "Ghost"!!


I am truly amazed that eBay continues to come up with more and more insanse offers that are not benefital to all of us, in moneywise!!  What else, eBay???  Hope eBay would surprise us with fantastic way low discount on Expedited, then we can use it but otherwise again "phfft" to eBay's insane offer.

Message 9 of 11
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Not applicable

I honestley don't know why eBay would say 4 days or less by Expedited which we all knew it is not possible.  Every time I use Expedited to ship my items to USA, it usually take up to 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes longer.  So eBay is saying 4 days or less, that is false and misleading.  Unless it is Empress or XpressPost. 


Expedited for across Canada can take up to 4-8 business days, very few times 2-3 business days.


I think whoever at eBay "invented" this insane offer, doesn't knew what they are doing unless they own the mail service other than USPS and Canada Post, is there??

Message 10 of 11
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Unfortunately we have to roll with it & work within eBay's paramaters.


Fair or not, life works that way sometimes.


Our Business Models are about to go through extensive changes, but, bottom line, the majority of us have seemed to weather the storm.

Message 11 of 11
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