Fake Java Update

Have been getting a popup  that takes me to a Java Update...


Checked on the internet.....  and this appears to be Fake update 


Shows up when I click on a certain seller's items



Be careful... It may be associated with some seller's listings

Message 1 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

There was a recent java update. How did you determine that the one you found was fake?



Message 2 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

Shows up in relation to one seller's ID...  and may become a problem on eBay


Reported to Raphael.....  one of the Wednesday people

Message 3 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

For the last 20 minutes, that  Java update keeps popping up on eBay screen. I tried to download it but it just keeps popping up with same request to download. I have to close eBay window to remove it but it comes back with each reopening. Fake or not,  but it is a  real nuisance.

Message 4 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

I have my computer set to tell me when there is a new java update available so that's totally different. It is odd that a specific seller would make the popup appear or that if appears over and over as realjazz reported. I haven't run it either problem yet.

Message 5 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

Popup in relation to Java Update only shows up in relation to one seller's ID....only on eBay..


Did a search on Google.....  found reference to Java Update virus


and a virus program identifies it with potential problems....




information about this on Google....

Message 6 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

My virus program finds this  and removes it.


Do a virus scan and see what happens 

Message 7 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

It may be a coincidence but that same pop up showed up on Mary's tablet (Microsoft Surface 2) a few minutes ago.  Nothing to do with eBay as she was browsing gluten free recipes.  Considering the tablet was purchased only a few months ago, I do not think the need to update Java is real.


Told her to escape and ignore it.

Message 8 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

For me it only showed up when I viewed a certain Seller's items on eBay ...


Detected  and deleted it.... checked other listings... 


and then went back to this one seller..


The popup  came back...

Message 10 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

Most interesting.


Norton has no link to this problem.



Microsoft Security Essentials does... as noted above...


Yet my Norton blocks the Microsoft program......  Yet  the problem  was solved



and... throw in a bit of unsure what happened......

Message 11 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

New laptop about three months ago. Picked up an adware site  as my homepage. Picked up malware "supra savings". Changed the homepage and still had supra savings. Pop-up windows and I was getting the fake Java. Loaded AVG. Nothing. Then, AVG did a sweep and the supra savings is gone.


Most of my problems were on Canada Town Square.100% gone after the AVG sweep.

Message 12 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

Happening with me as well !

Message 13 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

Further to my last post , I took a peek at some other sellers listings and it came up there as well.


Not sure what is going on but this is very annoying.


I did a McAffee scan and it came back clean.


Any further ideas how to get rid of this !

Message 14 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

Does McAfee scan for malware? I would try using something like malwarebytes. Or, try turning on the pop up blocker on your browser.

Message 15 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

There may be something available on the internet...  with respect to "Fake Java Update"


but even there be careful  the cure  may end up worse than the problem....  The cure itself can be some form of malware...


Consult with "well known" companies.


Microsoft Security Essentials came with this computer... and was never deleted.


Norton Internet Security blocks The Microsoft program from accessing the internet.


However,  Microsoft Security Essentials does appear to "remove" the problem from my computer.... the cure most likely came with the original software...  and access to the internet was not needed. 


Showed up again  and was removed from the computer...


Sometimes  one has to think in straight lines, with fences and gates and.... sometimes your friend is already living with you...

Message 16 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

@cumos55 wrote:

There may be something available on the internet...  with respect to "Fake Java Update"


but even there be careful  the cure  may end up worse than the problem....  The cure itself can be some form of malware...


Consult with "well known" companies.


Microsoft Security Essentials came with this computer... and was never deleted.


Norton Internet Security blocks The Microsoft program from accessing the internet.


However,  Microsoft Security Essentials does appear to "remove" the problem from my computer.... the cure most likely came with the original software...  and access to the internet was not needed. 


Showed up again  and was removed from the computer...


Sometimes  one has to think in straight lines, with fences and gates and.... sometimes your friend is already living with you...



In a complicated world we look for complicated solutions.


I ran into this the last few days. The simple answer caused me to say "I am dumb and I can prove it".

Message 17 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

Sometimes the best thing to do is to ... Take a walk


and flush your brain out with some new unrelated thoughts..



Message 18 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

I've been getting this java pop up as well, on various pages.

I usually use IE, and I think it is an IE problem;

Microsoft Security Essentials showed it as malware, but each time it suggested I shut down and restart.

Not sure what the fix is.



Anyway I  switched over to Google Chrome, and I stopped getting the pop-ups. 

Message 19 of 22
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Re: Fake Java Update

I have been using Google Chrome  and get the popup  

Message 20 of 22
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