I have received someone else's auction item and would like to get their item to them

Can anyone help me find out how to get a package to someone that was sent to me in error or to return it to the buyer?
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You should return it to the seller. Sometimes a seller wi...

Contact the seller and explain it to him.

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You should return it to the seller. Sometimes a seller wi...

Community Member

Same as me me two years ago. Simply contact the seller for return. Tell him you got the wrong item.


Hope you can get the right stuff.

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You should return it to the seller. Sometimes a seller wi...

You should return it to the seller.

Sometimes a seller will suggest that you send it on the to real buyer. Which is sweet, but there is no guarantee that the other buyer is as honest as you and the seller.

The seller should, but probably won't, refund the cost of return shipping. Which is legal if not ethical.


The seller should refund your entire payment. There is no reason to put this off. When he gets your item back, you can discuss whether or not and just how to proceed with the transaction.

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