I ordered something and it says "delivered" as of Jan 14th but I have not received it. What do I do

At item I ordered is marked as delivered on Jan 14th but I have not received this item. Who do I contact?
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You need to contact your local postal service

You need to contact your local postal service

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You need to contact your local postal service

Ask around your home. It is amazing how often it turns out no one mentioned the arrival of a package.

Then go to the local PO and ask. It may be on a shelf in the storage area.

If there is still no parcel go to the Post Office and talk to the Post Master. He needs to know there is a problem with delivery in his area.

It could be a thieving contractor. or even a postal worker. More likely someone is stealing from porch mailboxes, but unless you tell him he won't know.

Or the item could have been misaddressed. Check the address you have listed in Paypal and on eBay.

Or it could have been misdelivered. I got a bicycle delivered to my back yard by UPS once when I was not home. The number was right but the address was another street !

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