Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

This is the first occasion I've had to use it.  The drop down menu shows it and my dimensions and weight are within the limit, but there's an error message -- "The Shipment Option you have chosen is invalid".

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

I tried several more times and then finally I was able to complete one.  Just a glitch I guess.


Holy Smokes .... is it ever expensive!!!  $16.78 for a 250 g small box to Colorado.  That's more than expedited used to be.

Message 2 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

Hi jt-libra -- I think I can respond to both your posts.  I've been following the discussions here as well as the Wed. Board Sessions (with eBay staff), and there are still some serious glitches with Tracked Packet that have been pointed out.  EBay says Paypal is "working on it". 😐


If you look at the April 17th Board Session you'll find the questions and responses on this topic -- one of the posters has figured out all the discrepancies.  It gets a bit technical, but essentially you'll get the wrong pricing if you input particular parcel sizes and weights, due to dimensional weight being incorrectly programmed for TP.  


I tried to use TP myself a few days ago, and had the same thing happen.  I ended up choosing Expedited, and it was actually cheaper. 


TP is currently a bit of a mess. I think they rolled this out too fast without ensuring the Paypal programming was properly set up.  At any rate, I'm going to avoid it until someone can confirm it's working properly.  I'd keep checking the posts here regarding Tracked Packet.  I think 'pocomocomputing' is on top of this one.

Message 3 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

The correct rates for Tracked Packet with 14% discount on PayPal Shipping are:


250 grams $13.93

500 grams $14.31

1000 grams $16.78


Dimensions are a maximum length of 60 cm and L + W + H <= 90 cm.


However, the PayPal shipping calculator has been incorrectly set up and uses the higher weights and rates when it should not.


eBay and PayPal are aware of this and are working on it. I had sent emails directly to Kalvin at early last week and gave more example in the Wednesday weekly session. Friday Kalvin gave me an update and they know about the problem and PayPal / Pitney Bowes (programmers) are working on it. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.


Keep track of your Tracked Packet purchases with PayPal for a credit or refund if you overpaid.

Message 4 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

The TP rates I gave are for the April fuel surcharge rate of 6.25%. The TP rates may change if the fuel surcharge changes during the first week of each month.

Message 5 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

Thanks rose-dee.  I know there have been a lot of posts about tracked packet, and when it was going to be available.  It seemed some people were able to access it and others weren't.


I missed reading last Wednesday's Board session .... I was going to catch up this weekend but got busy.  I will read it for sure and, like you, maybe stay away from tracked packet until I'm sure it's calculating properly.  Thanks again for your response.

Message 6 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

Thanks pocomo.  It seemed to me that I had read where a 250 g package within the alloted dimensions was around $13 or $14.  So I was shocked to see the $16.78 charge.


I'll keep track of my Tracked Packet purchases like you recommend and, hopefully, PayPal will issue a credit when everything is straightened out.


I'll make sure to keep on top of the Wednesday sessions so you kind people don't have to keep repeating yourselves to me.  Unfortunately, I was too busy shovelling this past week (just kidding 🙂  ) .  Although it felt like it could snow here in Winnipeg.  When I look out at my window at the shady areas, there are still some piles of snow that are 3 to 4 feet deep.

Message 7 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

How many 'Peggers are on this board?


It is lightly snowing as I type.

Message 8 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

How many 'Peggers are on this board?


Not this one!  Here in western Nova Scotia, the grass is truly greener, springtime is actually springtime, and the sun shines more in a year than I think it ever did the whole time I lived in Vancouver.  It's 10 degrees and sunny today, blue sky, sea breezes, great walking weather.  There's a reason they called the town up the road "Clementsport", and another one up the Annapolis Valley "Paradise" (really). 


There aren't many jobs, but if you're able to bring your business or income with you, you can live a great life here in a temperate climate in a lovely heritage property near the sea for under $200K.  You just have to not mind the occasional Nor'easter.  In case you need more convincing, I'm attaching a photo of the view from down the road (really) looking out to Annapolis Basin from the fort at Port Royal. 


... just a little promotion for my new home province...:-)


Message 9 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

I'm getting out of here. Heading for Pierreville. We were in Apple River Nova Scotia last Sept.

Message 10 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

Belleville is a nice town, and Quinte County very picturesque (I'm originally from Ontario), but I don't think you'll find it much warmer. 


This winter has been an unusually long and cold one all across the country anyway. 

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

It is a lot warmer. January and Feb regularly feature windchill in the -40s in Winterpeg. Churchill, my other home, regularly goes to -55C as a daytime high.


No. You don't know cold.


There are two snow dumps near me. There is a chance, an outside chance, they may not fully melt until late August. The one over on Kenaston has an outside chance of not totally melting this year at all as it is so big, or so I am told by folks giving me a nod and a wink.


Yeah, we have man made glaciers out here.

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

You know what they say.  Winnipeg isn't for sissies. ( I couldn't use the other slang term on this Board) 😄

Message 13 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

It is a lot warmer.


Inuk, no need to lecture about cold.  I was referring to Ontario not being any warmer than Nova Scotia, especially where we are in southwestern Nova. 


And actually, I do know cold, maybe not quite Churchill, Manitoba frigid, but almost.  There are places in northern Ontario that come pretty close.  Or perhaps I should say, used to come close -- climate change is a reality in my experience. 

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

Sorry, I thought you referring to ON vs MB.


The wind in Churchill can be relentless. Oct 2011 it blew for ten days straight at about 80 kliks 24 hours a day. The house would move. Then it would rain and the rain would go sideways.


Tourists pay a $1000 a day, per person, for a week to do this. $14,000 to walk in the wind and rain. My Honey is finished up there in July.


Portage & Main is the windiest corner in Canada? It is dead clam compared to Up North. Walk along Laverendrye, under the overpass, in front of the school-town building-hospital complex in the winter. It is always dead into the wind. It is like rusty razor blades slicing at your face.


Do I sound like I will miss any of that?

Message 15 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

Do I sound like I will miss any of that?


I'm sure you'll enjoy balmy Belleville! 🙂

Message 16 of 17
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Re: Is Tracked Packet USA Still Not Available Through PayPal?

I've been there once and already like it. I call it Pierreville in deference to our senior elder distinguished member Pierre who is there, somewhere.

Message 17 of 17
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