Items go missing from All Selling page.

Community Member
Hello all. I'm an on and off powerseller. Just sold 500 items. I've come to rely on the basic tracking function of the All Selling-All sold pages of My Ebay. Just noticed that 2 of my completed items have either vanished or never made the treck from active auction to sold. Does this commonly happen? A lot? Yes, they can still be found if I search by number and yes ebay charged all the fees.
BTW, I agree with comments to the effect that ebay is making it impossible for powersellers to maintain a high score on postal cost. I'm 4.9 in everything else. The scale for comments is very badly designed. 4 out of 5 indicates a very satisfied customer, particularly when they had to pay higher international postage and often get things slower than from US sellers. How ebay can craft this into a barrier to high performance discounts or power seller status is sloppy or greedy, take your pick. Cheers, Bill Armstrong, Ottawa.
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Items go missing from All Selling page.

Community Member
Eurotin, I see all your listings ended February 17th. Your items listed shows as 0. Are you out of stuff or supporting the boycott? If you are supporting the boycott, way to go!!
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