Looking for Adidas Supernova Xtreme Jacket 532818 Size Small

Hi All,


New to the forum, but I thought I'd try the world of ebay to see if I can locate an item I've lost a few years ago.


I'm looking for an Adidas Supernova Xtreme Jacket 532818 Size Small - It was a great running jacket, and I'd like to know if anyone is willing to part with theirs in the same size.


I know this is a long shot, but I'm willing to pay full price for it (I bought it in Canada for $99 USD). If anyone has this in stock somewhere, or owns it and doesn't wear it anymore (and it's in good condition), I'd be glad to buy it from you!





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Re: Looking for Adidas Supernova Xtreme Jacket 532818 Size Small

Do an advanced search

there is one listed on ebay now in Lime Green

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Re: Looking for Adidas Supernova Xtreme Jacket 532818 Size Small

No sorry didn't find it - I wanted the exact jacket in the exact color. If anyone has this let me know! Thanks!
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