My shipping address is not being accepted on my order for free shipping

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Where is the item located ?   Free Shipping usualy only a...

Where is the item located ?


Free Shipping usualy only applies within the country where the item is located.


You are in the United States and you are on the eBay Canada site.


If you are looking at an item located in Canada most likely the Free Shipping is only to addresses within Canada.

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Where is the item located ?   Free Shipping usualy only a...

Go back to the listing and look for the Shipping tab. That will give you the shipping cost to your postal code.

Since you are in the US, probably there will be some charge.


If you don't want the item at the total advertised price, you are allowed to ask the Seller for a Mutual Cancellation. This will free both of you from the transaction and the seller will get his fees back. (These are substantial, about 9% of the total of both the selling price and the shipping cost.) When he sends it, agree promptly and leave positive feedback, along the lines of "thank you for working with a newbie.)

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