New Paypal glitch

As of today, when paying your eBay fees via Paypal, the payment is sent via e-cheque.

PP is aware of the glitch but "nothing they can do".

Not only do they make $$'s when converting USD to CAD when withdrawing money to your bank account, they now make money again when they withdraw CAD from your bank account to make the e-cheque payment in USD.

If someone does not catch this and does not have sufficient funds on their bank account, the payment will bounce and the bank will charge a fee. Of course, PP will also charge you a fee.

..... trying hard not to "pull a dipmicro" here.... grrrr.

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Re: New Paypal glitch

I am in the wrong profession Bernie.

I should been the lawyer and sue incompetency left and right and make money on settlements.
Message 2 of 9
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Re: New Paypal glitch

Hey, that's why they make the big bucks.

But then, what a negative profession...

Message 3 of 9
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Re: New Paypal glitch

As of today, when paying your eBay fees via Paypal, the payment is sent via e-cheque.

PP is aware of the glitch but "nothing they can do".

Not only do they make $$'s when converting USD to CAD when withdrawing money to your bank account, they now make money again when they withdraw CAD from your bank account to make the e-cheque payment in USD.

If someone does not catch this and does not have sufficient funds on their bank account, the payment will bounce and the bank will charge a fee. Of course, PP will also charge you a fee.

..... trying hard not to "pull a dipmicro" here.... grrrr.


Hi Bernie,

Are they doing this only when you initiate the payment yourself or is it also being done that way with automatic payments?

Message 4 of 9
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Re: New Paypal glitch

I just did two eBay fees payments and it was coming as usual from PayPal balance.

But I remember a case or two when my PP balance was low, PayPal would not let me depleat the balance on fees and would take it from the bank. Just don't go below $100 and it should not happen.

Always watch the funding source. I'd rather have payment to be sourced by CC than bank acct.
Message 5 of 9
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Re: New Paypal glitch

As a general rule, I always leave enough money in my PP account to cover all fees including new ones that are not due until the next invoice. I also prefer to have it funded by my credit card rather than my bank account.

The banks themselves can mess things up sometimes. A long time ago the bank that bought out the trust company with whom we had our mortgage began taking payments out of our account daily instead of bi-monthly. Don't think that didn't cause quite a stir! I hate to think what PP is capable of doing.
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Re: New Paypal glitch

Why pay your fees manually, when they can be taken out automatically?
Every bill or utility possible that I can have auto-withdrawn is set up that way. Never had a problem to date, and as I always leave @ 5 thou in Paypal, theres never a worry about not having enough to cover fees.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: New Paypal glitch

Why pay your fees manually, when they can be taken out automatically?
Every bill or utility possible that I can have auto-withdrawn is set up that way. Never had a problem to date, and as I always leave @ 5 thou in Paypal, theres never a worry about not having enough to cover fees.


You have to be careful with automatic withdrawal payments. We had a new account set up with a company for the rental of a water softener. They messed it up in the beginning and took out several payments in the first month instead of only one. When I called my bank and asked them how they could do that, the bank employee said that they can take out as many payments as they want to and the bank can do nothing about it but notify the customer. They had flagged it to do so but had not called us yet.

We have many payments set up for automatic withdrawal and have never had a problem with any of the others. But we do watch the statements more carefully to make sure they only take out one payment per month.
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Re: New Paypal glitch


This happened when I initiated the payment manually.

I have made it a habit to pay the fees a couple of times per week.

There is no warning and, of course, there were enough $$'s in our PP account.

It is/was a PP glitch and PP acknowledged it. The rep even went so far as to mention that we may be eligible for a refund of fees our bank charges for NSF.


PS; Sorry, slow on responses this weekend as I am teaching How to be successful on eBay at the local university. These days 24hrs do not seem to be enough lol 🙂
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