(OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

Anyone in Ontario feel the earthquake at about 1:45 est today? Didn't seem overly severe but, sure got my attention. At first I though, oh no, it's something G20 related but, was definitely a quake.
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

The epicenter was 38 miles north of Ottawa but I felt it big time here in Toronto.
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

We felt it here in Blainville in Québec.

Come to my store
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

Community Member
I was at work and didn't notice it. The hubby was at home with the birdies and they all started freaking out. One of them ran for cover under the sheets looking for protection, the other bounced around the bed PO'd and yelling. LOL


Poor little guys.
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

The peregrines who nest on our building were pretty annoyed.

I am in Ottawa. Apparently some of our windows broke. The (28 story) building was evacuated.
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

DH and I didn't feel anything but my daughter, who lives about a mile from us, said her bookcase was shaking.

We are in Stratford.
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

Fortunately I haven't heard of any injuries except for a sprained ankle.

From Twitter:

"There's a tsunami warning issued for the G20 summit fake lake."
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

Community Member
Our oldest daughter, Jamie, lives in Ottawa (Barrhaven area) and works in Hull in a government building right across the street from the Museum of Natural History. They were rocking there. She almost fell out of her chair and things on her desk went all over the place.

Their building was evacuated. She wasn't impressed as she only goes into work one day a week and the other days she works from home!

Needless to say when she got back to her house in Barrhaven..Nepean area...nothing had fallen off of tables or shelves, but everything was right at the edge.

She sent me this link to a You Tube video that is hilarious. Don't ask why this guy video tapes himself while he is lifting weights, but how neat that it caught the shaking on tape!


If the link doesn't work...I'll try again!

Glad everyone is safe and sound!
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

She works at Place du Portage?

I'm up the street at Terrasses de la Chaudiere. All four of our towers were evacuated too.

I got a call on the telephone tree this morning that we are to report to work tomorrow. (We all had today , St Jean Baptiste, off.) (And have to work the August Civic Holiday).

There were no Ottawa Transit buses running into Gatineau for the 30,000 or so workers who were being sent home. Hope your daughter drives to work. I grabbed a Gatineau bus that takes Quebec workers to Ontario but most people were walking across the river.
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Re: (OT) Holy Carp..The Earth Moved

Community Member
She works at Place du Portage?

I'm up the street at Terrasses de la Chaudiere. All four of our towers were evacuated too.

I got a call on the telephone tree this morning that we are to report to work tomorrow. (We all had today , St Jean Baptiste, off.) (And have to work the August Civic Holiday).

There were no Ottawa Transit buses running into Gatineau for the 30,000 or so workers who were being sent home. Hope your daughter drives to work. I grabbed a Gatineau bus that takes Quebec workers to Ontario but most people were walking across the river.

If that's the building right across the street...then yes, that is where Jamie works. She's a patent engineer and goes in to work one day a week. Most times she takes the bus, but on Wednesday she drove as she had errands to run after work...which of course she never ran!

She mentioned that she had St. Jean Baptiste off and will be working the August holiday....exact opposite of her husband.

Let's hope that all is calm from her on out!

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