Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

A group that did an unsanctioned experiment off the coast of British Columbia, fertilizing a vast expanse of ocean with iron sulphate, is struggling to justify its project in the face of withering attacks from the scientific community.

In a press conference at the Vancouver Aquarium on Friday, backers of the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation project said they are doing good research and have collected a treasure trove of data that may show how to combat global warming.

“On a changing planet, we need to take bold steps,” said Ken Rea, chief of the Old Massett village council, which funded the experiment using $2.5-million of community funds.

He said the negative reaction to the project has stunned him, but feels his group is taking the heat only because it is the first in the world to do a massive ocean fertilization experiment.

“The first guy through the door gets his nose a little bloody sometimes. We believe in our project. We have a good story here. We believe in our position. And when the data comes in it will affirm that,” he said in an interview.

“This project was not entered into lightly,” said John Disney, president of the Haida Salmon Research Corporation HSRC, which the village formed to run the project.

The experiment dumped 100 tonnes of an iron sulphate mix into the sea 200 kilometres west of Haida Gwaii, where an ocean eddy spread it over 35,000 square kilometres.

The goal was to boost plankton growth in an area where salmon feed, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of ocean fertilization. The group, which hopes to recover its investment through the sale of carbon credits, says satellite imagery shows a huge bloom did occur.

Russ George, a California businessman who designed the project, believes massive clouds of plankton can suck enough carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere to blunt global warming and provide rich nutrients to marine animals and reduce ocean acidification.

But scientists say the experiment poses huge risks.

“Scientists from the U.S. have contacted me. They are really alarmed by this. They are worried. And I personally think it’s scary,” said Maite Maldonado, an associate professor in earth, ocean and atmospheric sciences at the University of British Columbia.

“The consequences of this kind of disturbance to the marine ecosystem can be atrocious . . . and we have to be very careful,” said Ms. Maldonado, who attended the press conference. “I think they should be stopped.”

Evgeny Pakhomov, an associate professor of biological and fisheries oceanography at UBC, said he shares those concerns.

“I don’t like what they’ve done,” he said, noting that while the experiment might show short-term gain in surface blooms, it could cause long-term oxygen depletion at greater depth.

In an e-mail, David Keith, an expert on climate science at Harvard University, questioned the credibility of the project.

“This is hype masquerading as science,” he said.

The Council of the Haida Nation, a separate political body from the Old Massett village council, distanced itself from the project, saying the “consequences of tampering with nature at this scale are not predictable and pose unacceptable risks to the marine environment.”

The press conference was called to shore up the group’s image, but the only outside backing came from controversial Vancouver financier Nelson Skalbania.

Mr. Skalbania, who in 1997 was convicted of stealing $100,000 from a prospective real estate partner, stepped forward at the media event to say that, in the past, he’d invested $4-million in an ocean seeding project proposed by Mr. George.

“I endorse everything they are doing,” he said. Mr. George’s company, Planktos, foundered in 2008, after planned ocean fertilization projects were cancelled.

Mr. George was not at the press conference. A representative of the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation said he was busy “analyzing data.”

In an interview earlier in the week, Mr. George defended the science, saying a rich data set has been collected off Haida Gwaii and is being studied.

“I was told by one of our scientific advisers, ‘There’s not less than 100 PhD theses in the data set you have.’ It’s that rich. And one of them is the composition of what’s the right prescription to save the ocean, to replenish her iron,” he said.

Asked what the experiment would prove, he said: “Well, it’s too soon to say. But at least we did the science, we did the experiment. We are sitting on a mountain of golden data like nobody has ever seen.”



Message 1 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

I think ....“consequences of tampering with nature at this scale are not predictable and pose unacceptable risks to the marine environment.”....pretty much sums it up.

Message 2 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

Unfortunately, they have NO data on the long term effects of their actions. 

Message 3 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

Community Member

The more years you include in statistical analysis, the more it appears we are cooling. Selecting 1998 and 2010 as the start and end date, we are warming. Include 1990 to the present, we are cooling. How easy it is to manipulate data in order to satisfy the Gorians and Suzukians!.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 4 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

 How easy it is to manipulate data in order to satisfy the Gorians and Suzukians!.

Climategate?   Gloom and Doom prognostication is a very lucrative business for some of these pseudo soothsayers.  They certainly don't practice what they preach either.  How many houses do they own?  The "carbon footprints" of Gore + Suzuki exceeds that of whole African villages!

Message 5 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

Some people won't be around in the future so what do they care if the man has changed and polluted and destroyed the world. Those people care nothing about future generations. It's the epitome of narcissism.

Message 6 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

I think Gore and Suzuki are Climate Change Clowns who dupe their gullible following.  Just like a cult leader.

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

Gore had an electric bill of over $30,000.00  in 2009.

And then the naive fool thinks  people should listen to him and live in a  400 sq ft house.






Message 8 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists



And then the naive fool thinks  people should listen to him and live in a  400 sq ft house.



People DO listen to him!!!  They think Suzuki and Gore are gonna save the world from doom.  But I don't think Gore is naiive; his worshippers are deluded by his prophesies.  It is a Circus of the Absurd,  just like North Koreans worshipping their Great Leader.

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

LOL...always the same two.

Message 10 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

Community Member

"Gore had an electric bill of over $30,000.00  in 2009."

Wonder how much of that power was produced by burning coal, the worst of the worst for emitting CO². And to think that some who post here worship the guy!

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 11 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

It is the Organic Tofu nutbar mob, Mr. Valve.  They are the lunatics you have to watch out for when you walk downtown wearing your fur coat.  Especially if they are carrying aerosol paint cans.

Message 12 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

Well, it's been already done, so make the best of it and get as much data as possible, get scientific teams there, keep scanning and sampling. We can play the blame game while they are doing that.

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

The curious case of the CN train transporting bio-diesel was mentioned on CBC news this am.  Seems CN found a lucrative way to rack up millions of dollars in green energy credits ($$$)  by making multiple trips between Canada and the USA delivering nothing!

Message 14 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

A link to the wheels on the train going round and round:



Message 15 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

A link to the wheels on the train going round and round:






It is part of the McGuinty green program.









Message 16 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

Although CN did get their service fee for transport, the actual fraud was carried out by the owners of the cargo. CN is private, not a crown corporation, and is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange. As I recall the fraud came to light because of curiousity on the part of CN employees.


Gore may have had a $30K electric bill in 2007, but his home is also his place of business and he has done energy saving renovations since then . Less important than the dollar value of the electricity bill, would be knowing how many square feet of household were powered by that bill. http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/gorehome.asp


Message 17 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

CN directly profited from participating in the scam.

As for Gore, I think he musta received a pint of blood from Benny Hinn or some other glib huckster.


Message 18 of 19
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Re: Ocean fertilization experiment alarms marine scientists

This home has earned top marks by Al  (I'm just smarter and richer than you)  Gore::


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