PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
Did any of you see over on another board (I forget but it was either the US Powerseller board, or the Paypal board Damon was offering Paypal t shirts. You need only to email him. Well, I'm not sure if it's too late, but I did email him, and voila!! Already today I got my free t shirt!! I was impressed that it really came, and so fast. I must go write him a thank you email. You should check it out if you haven't already!!

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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
Yes I received my t-shirt along time ago, I just emailed him and it was sent so fast through fed-ex i believe.

great for free 🙂

My mommy says i'm cool

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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
Me too! In like 24 hours. That guy Damon practically dresses me all year round. Whatta guy.
Message 3 of 12
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
Is it one that I would wear out, or one that I would wear as a nightie...well, that could be a good thing...paypal only! (LOL)...
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
Got a link?

I think they owe me a shirt or two by now!
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
I'd wear it as a nightie, but then again, I'm not a t-shirt type of person. Least not ones with writing on them.

Here is a link to the board where I signed up.
Message 6 of 12
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
Thanks I emailed him
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
less than 24 hours here. Damon is a god on the other board. Very business savvy.
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
I can honestly say, I'm impressed with him!!! 🐵
Message 9 of 12
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
I received mine this week... it's pretty nice actually.
Message 10 of 12
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
I had requested mine a week ago today, how does he send it? just wondering if I am really getting it,but our mail is SO slow lately.. so you never know

Message 11 of 12
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PAYPAL t shirt!!

Community Member
Kathleen, I got one last winter. he Fed-exs it to you, but I think Damon is away right now (I seem to recall from the .com board). Thanks for posting the link Deltone--He said in August he was getting new ones, then I got kicked out for a month (well, I hadn't sold anything since May, so I'd been expecting it for months!) so the first thing I did when I got back was check for it but I must have spelled tshirt wrong and I couldn't find the link. I'm hoping this is a new one, the grey one isn't that pretty. Maybe it's a bit different. I asked for one anyway! They're great for sleeping in...I'm a "closet" seller! Glori
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