User Activity

Was at the PO this evening and my friend there told me the new fuel charge was up to 7.75%, up from 7.5. With gas prices dropping 30% in the last 6 weeks, you'd think that they would have decreased the surcharge too. Guess they want to cash in on the...
Anyone know where, besides TO, is located or if it's all in TO? Just wondering because I had a buyer (not in TO) who recently contacted me, saying he'll pay on Friday after making an excuse, and in his signature indicating that he is an ebay ...
I had a sale a couple weeks ago of a large book that I assumed I was going to have to send expedited. I stated $5 US postage from Canadians because of this assumption. A person in Winnipeg bought it for opening and paid the $8.99 through Paypal. I go...
Here's a new one for me. I mailed out a parcel of books Sept 20 to a buyer in Maryland. Just got it returned as "Unclaimed". Aside from emailing the buyer (which I did) is there anything else I should do?? How long do I wait for a reply?? He used Pay...
Just wondering how you all handle this. I sell used goods and acquire them at yard sales and thrift stores mainly. In my travels over the last few years, I've encountered alot of the same people over and over. Many are flea market dealers, some are e...