Looking for some info on when Ebay will remit the GST/HST collected on my sales to Canada. When filling out my GST/HST return, I included the amount Ebay collected according to my sales transactions but after filing my return CRA says that I owe them...
Hello, I bought a turntable and it was damaged during shipping. I started a refund with the seller, who told me he was going to see if the turntable was protected by warranty or insurance, and the day before the deadline I got a refund for the item, ...
Hello and welcome to the discussion board for Seller Update, January 2025. If you are visiting the Community Forums for the first time please take a moment to review our Community Guidelines, and consider checking out other boards like Seller Central...
Hello !I've been trying to reach an ebay agent for weeks trying to answer my question, they all transfer me left and right, nobody seems to have an answer. I am a canadian seller based in Québec, my accountant told me I needed to register to the Reve...
I contaced the CRA .The CRA agent said that the CRA has not requested that ebay sellers supply their Social Insrance Number to ebayI then contacted ebay and their agent also said it was optional.What has been your results when contacting the CRA abou...
Assuming it gets passed, it looks like the Liberals and NDP are going to introduce legislation for a GST/HST holiday between December 14th and February 15th for many types of goods (including books, toys & games, children's clothing, etc). Adding thi...
Hi, Please see hyperink as below : https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/here-s-a-list-of-items-that-will-be-gst-hst-free-over-the-holidays-1.7118520 2024,Nov,21, Prime minister of Canada announced that :1) Several items that will be GST/HST-free over the ...
Hello and welcome to the discussion board for the 2024 Summer Seller Update. If you are visiting the Community Forums for the first time please take a moment to review our Community Guidelines, and consider checking out other boards like Seller Centr...
Seems sellers are charged both GST and PST when shipping out of province (to another province). This is incorrect and only GST should be applied unless shipping to a HST province. Anyone else expereince this or spoken to eBay about this incorrect tax...
Hi guys,Does anyone have experience on how one should file their gst hst taxes as a registered business that has to report annually1) Do we even use the total sales from eBay on our revenue line?2) I completely understand that the gst hst is collecte...
Ebay started collecting sales tax on Canadian sales on July 1/22 - ie Q3/22.I am a registered business located in Canada.Until now I have been filing quarterly sales tax returns with Revenue Canada. There are two main parts to the GST/HST return.1. T...
I know the system has changed since July of ‘22 when it comes to taxes in Canada, but is it normal that Ebay charges the buyer sales tax and the seller tax as well?? I just noticed this week a sale that charged the buyer sales tax of 5.85 which broug...
Today, I noticed in the sales list of my account that eBay applied an offer (SPENDSAVEGREEN) , which caused a $10 reduction in the price of my product. My question is, why was this done without my approval? And will this amount be deducted from eBay'...
Interesting reading from the Federal Guvmint website:https://www.budget.gc.ca/2021/report-rapport/anx6-en.html#application-of-the-gst-hst-to-e-commercehttps://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/gst-hst-businesses/digital-e...
EBay is charging their fees on the amount that the customer pays on tax and on the amount for shipping and handling. How does this company justify charging their selling fees to these items when they aren’t involved in shipping anything directly? Why...
Hi!I have read your Canadian sales tax policy on your website (https://pages.ebay.ca/salestax2022/), but things are still not totally clear to me.I'm trying to understand your policy regarding GST/QST for *physical* items (NOT digitally downloaded) s...
Hello and welcome to the discussion board for the 2024 Summer Seller Update. If you are visiting the Community Forums for the first time please take a moment to review our Community Guidelines, and consider checking out other boards like Seller Centr...
Hi everyone – We know you might have questions regarding the email you recently received about eBay Canada collecting Canada Sales Tax (GST/HST/QST/ PST) on behalf of our sellers. Please feel free to leave your questions and comments here and we’ll g...
Hey. So, I recently purchased a gaming laptop on ebay from US. As shown in the image. I have payed everything including the GST and PST because I live in BC, Canada and BC charges you GST and PST. Do I need to pay taxes again when it arrive athe bord...
Generally used phones/computers have been duty free (from the US to Canada), but not tax/customs fee free. Is this new? Items (4) US $559.96 Shipping US $33.83 GST/HST* US $31.51 PST/QST* US $44.12 Duties US $36.40
Hello, Sorry for my English. Ebay announces that they will nicely collect sales taxes in Canada to relieve sellers of this burden. HAHAHA, Already when you make a purchase, the global delivery program is a real failure. No shipping combination availa...
As you know eBay started collecting and remiting sales for Canada as of July 1st 2022. That's not a problem for us but we're currently being audited and need to prove those taxes are being collected and remitted. I spent hours on the chat and phone t...