PETITION against New Fees...

Community Member
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in signing/setting up an online petition for sellers to protest against higher fees, protest for better benefits for power sellers and protest against any other fee hikes in the near future..

This is like dealing with taxes here, we don't need a "government" to substantially raise taxes here unless we know how beneficial it would be.

Let me know what you all think....
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Re: PETITION against New Fees...

Community Member
I doubt that Ebay really would care about what the sellers think cause if they did I don't think they would be hiking the rates with specific changes to the fees that us with stores pay. But if anyone set one up I would put my name down.

I think that the idea of boycott on a few days would send a stronger message. Ebay seems to only care about making more money so it seems only natural that any way to get them to do something would be to show that they can make more money off us by giving us break in Fees.

Just an opinion 🙂

Barrie Metals
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Re: PETITION against New Fees...

Community Member
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Do you really think that an increase would be passed without protest and threats? eBay didnt think it would go unnoticed or would be warmly welcomed.

As long as you continue to list and sell items on eBay, regardless of your declinig profits, they will have satisfied themselves that the increase was accepted by the majority of Sellers, especialy when their profits exceed the previous year's profits.

So bitching about the increased rates, starting petitions, sending emails sint about to have the reverse their decision.

Just like the rest of us, they run a business and right now they are large enough and running without any real competition that they can get away with the increases without threat of loosing any revenues from the few rebeious people who drop off the eBay selling map.

Lets face it, if you could get an extra 20% for yor products because you were the only one selling them, you would do it despite all the protest letters you might receive from your customers.

It is only when you start loosing a significant number of your customers that you will stand up and take note and do an about face to retain what yu havent lost and perhaps win some customers back.

Unless they feel it in their pockets, all this bitching falls in line with their expectations when announcing an increase.

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Re: PETITION against New Fees...

There is a petition in circulation:

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Re: PETITION against New Fees...

Community Member
I dont like that petition at all.

1. In several areas it states ackowledges that as eBay gows, we accept that they should increase fees. BS! As they grow, they have a larger pool of seelers and transactions providing them additional revenues with minimal additional expense netting them additional profits.
2. There are speeling and gramatical errors.
3. "eBay" is referred to as "ebay"
4. It suggests that this is preferrable to a boycott, I dont agree. There were protests and petitions last year and tey resulted in an even greater increase in fees this year.
5. It is suggests that it represents the small sellers on eBay. The fee increases affect all sellers, why not have them involved in the protest.
6. The threats or suggestions of what might happen should NOT be included in the protest, as they are speculation and neither address all of the possibilities nor necessarily represent the any of the reasons, a seller is signing the protest.

I dont mind adding my name to a petition however this one does NOT represent my feelings about the increase nor how I would address it to eBay in the slightest manner.


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