PayPal 25% off on Expedited Parcel - it does not add up

I must be missing something.

Writing a tool that will help us quickly estimate shipping cost on the order and currently testing it and the 25% off does not work.


Sending 100g parcel from L2G3V6 to L7A1H1. CP website (business section) quotes:

Base Price $6.17
Coverage* $Update $0.00
Fuel Surcharge $0.40
Options $0.00
Tax $0.33
Total $6.90

So far so good. My tool gets all these numbers as well. Now apply 25% discount:

$6.90 * 0.75 = $5.175 ($5.18)

However, my records show we paid $5.45 (~ 21% discount). When setting it up as 21% discount, I am getting same numbers we paid.

So where did the 4% go ?
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Re: PayPal 25% off on Expedited Parcel - it does not add up

Ok, got it. Too fast to post.

The 25% seems to be discount from quote on the "Personal" section, where Regular Parcel costs $7.27. There is no Expedited Parcel service in Personal section so that's why it confused me. How can it be called discount, when this service is not even offered at retail level.
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Re: PayPal 25% off on Expedited Parcel - it does not add up

The price for "regular parcel" & "expedited" is the same. When you use the Business calculator a 5% discount has already been deducted.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
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Re: PayPal 25% off on Expedited Parcel - it does not add up

Recped, there is no such thing as Expedited Parcel in "Personal" section. Regular Parcel and Expedited Parcel are two different services which happen to have same price (the reason is beyond me).

When someone says "discount 25% of Expedited Parcel" that means the discount on what it's usually sold for.

Btw. I did not mean to whine, just wanted my tool to be accurate. Don't care if PayPal is doing a deceptive advertising, really. I appreciate the discount being 21 or 25%, it's saving us a bunch.
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