Pitney Bowes,Global Shipping Service, Ebay connections.A Scam??



                                    It doesn't seem to have occurred to anybody answering all  the shipping questions  that all the unresolved questions have already answered indirectly by ebay here. They don't mention the fact that  "Global Shipping could just be a scam for the benefit of everybody but the buyer"
                                      eg: Shipping, like direct travel,To and From Canada should be getting easier. As you exit your country you are challenged at the Customs and Excise office in the Country you are entering. They will  usually ask if you are carrying Alcohol or Tobbaco. Not for health reasons, but for possible amounts in excess of the Tax Free stores allowance.  Any excess declared,  will be taxed accordingly, by the Govt Agent of the country you are entering. And that's pretty much it.

In shipping however a private company is collecting this Canadian Government Revenue, from another country. That`s just crazy!

                                     Why then, I  ask, is Pitney Bowes and Global Shipping Service, private companies, collecting Federal "Import Taxes" of a foriegn Country?  Canada Post doesn't do it, so there isn't   any much argued, reciprocal International Treaty.
Especially when US citizens are actually "Exporting" an item to Canada.

No mention is made, as why that tax is being applied as an 'Import'  charge.
                                     Canada has inbound packages from the UK, etc., charged at the P.O. with Federal "customs duties".You pay when you pick up the parcel next day. They always seem to be a random, simple, reasonable and part of the Post Office function. Shipping Mail from Canada to the US is charged at the USPS rates to get it from point A to point B. Period!
nothing else under the counter. And the USPS is the physical postal carrier, regardless.

                                    Hypothetically, two private companies are adding a Canadian TAX to the EBay buyers overall shipping cost?  and we assume they forward that to the Ministry of Finance in Ottawa.   Ah yes ! They also provide a service.

                                 Pitney Bowes provide, those barely legible, printed postage stamps and putz your package into bigger boxes.

Vital but not  a tax then?

                                 Global Shipping see that these packets are sent to 6 different City hubs before reaching the Canadian border.The great thing here is, we then send petty complaints to the Post Office about delays. In the US the shipping cost, is a super saving. The seller made it using the Global shipping Svc. They only pay to get the package to the nearest USPS City Hub. Wow! what a deal!  The rest of the journey is paid by the foriegn buyer.

                                    EBay  just waits patiently with  the seemingly innocuous "Total of Sale Fee" which is to be included in the shipping rates, " just for fun"  It does not include any cost you the buyer had to package the item.
Business acumen being what it is, Ebay has told you this, and it's right there, to read in the fine print. So they don`t have to do any more but answer dumb questions either.

                                   Your  answers then, come in three basic options.
Avoid the Global Shipping System listed items like the plague! The charges are, if nothing else, inconsistant.
Again, you only have to check other listings for the very same item elsewhere on eBay when shopping. Compare  where the item is coming from and what the predicted cost of shipping is. You will be amazed. No kidding, it is all there!  
                                I will wager, a  given item with USPS rate, will be lower than the Global listing, same weight, same points A to B.
I still can't figure this out why this is, as the seller doesn't get to play with the rates.

                                   Second option. Buy Chinese! No seriously, think about it!  Those crazy buggers offer the World, free shipping for .99c items. Oh yes ! it may not be as durable as ... whatever. The stuff being sent from the US is usually made in China anyway.eg: Durability, yea right ! Windows10, is only the first decade of  wonderful things to come for computers every second year.

                                    Third option: Don't look at eBay as a seller to provide extra income or enable you to downsize in you later years. It now seems The sellers imperative in the auction function is no longer a priority. Unless the seller can compete with

Corporate Sellers and advertising, for the same thing on your same page.
                                   If you can't stand the is kind of  competition get out of the Kitchen. Hey! don't forget  free shipping costs is always a good sucker option and as just metioned Ebay has that option covered.It doesn't work either. DO IT AND SELL!

                                   I think the bottom feeding sellers and other membership are catching on.

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