Seller does not leave feedback?

I have a seller who hasnt left me feedback even after kindly reminding them a month later. I left positive feedback, and there is no reason the seller should not do the same for me. I even explained to the seller that feedback is just as important to me (the buyer) as it is to them.
I have sent emails with no response. Should i retract my feedback to explain that the seller does not finish transactions on ebay in a courteous manner. I am getting the impression that the selller just wants buyers money and positive feedback, but then ignores the buyer after they got what they wanted. That is no way to run ebay business in my opinion. Please....only sensible suggestions please. I enjoy ebay, and almost every seller. I am not being unreasonable myself to request feedback after a smooth transaction and immediate payment to the seller.
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Seller does not leave feedback?

Hello 'monaghanlane',

First thing to keep in mind is that feedback is voluntary, meaning optional.  No one owes anyone feedback.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with sending a gentle reminder to the effect of "I have left positive feedback for you and hope you will do the same for me".  Then again, by the time I had about 60 or so I found I no longer cared if I had one more "Prompt payment, thanks" or not.  But that's just me.


Some people say it is never a good idea to ask for it.  Me, I'd say it's not a good idea if you have not left it first.

I had a seller do that once, - ask me for feedback after only 3 weeks without having left any herself.  Doing that is considered bad manners, so I sniggered but it didn't bother me.


Have you checked your seller's outgoing feedback?  When does she leave it?

Some leave it immediately after you pay, some as soon as they ship the item.  Some do it in batches, say, every few days, or even every few weeks or more.  Others have it set to leave positive automatically upon receipt of positive from the buyer.  And a few don't leave it at all.  I know of one seller who has not left any since 2008.  He's a terrific guy, pleasant, sends things out immediately, but for some reason doesn't bother with feedback.

It's optional, you see.


And of course there are always a few sellers who will not leave feedback for you until they have checked and verified that you have left them a full set of 5 stars.  If you did not, you certainly aren't getting any feedback from them, some of whom will be so keenly indignant that you may end up on their 'blocked' list.


Be it no feedback or delayed feedback, neither of these is discourteous.  Any way an ebay member wishes to leave (reasonably polite) feedback, or not at all, is okay on ebay.  I'll post the ebay page here of various links to common questions about feedback:


A buyer cannot retract feedback.  Only a seller can issue a Request for Feedback Revision.  If you have sent a note asking for feedback after viewing the seller's feedback and determined that for some inexplicable reason you have been palpably excluded, - never send more than one note about it.

One note would annoy a great many of them, a further request will invariably bring out the worst in those who are so niggardly and uptight about the whole feedback system to begin with.


The best thing you can do for yourself, - if you are happy with the transaction, leave your positive, then promptly file the listing in your Archives.  Out of sight, out of mind.  You'll be stewing in a toxic brew of your own making if you allow a miniscule thing like that to bother you.

Do your bit, then move on with a clear conscience.


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Seller does not leave feedback?

Some people say it is never a good idea to ask for it.  Me, I'd say it's not a good idea if you have not left it first.


This is true for sellers. For buyers it is irrelevant, since the only types of feedback a buyer can receive are Positive and None.

For this reason, buyer feedback is only egoboo. It makes you feel good, but makes no difference to your ability to buy. Which is usually what people come here for.


However, for a seller, feedback and Detailed Seller Ratings affect her ability to sell. If these drop too low, eBay will restrict listings, sales will drop off as buyers choose sellers with higher feedback, and sellers may lose fee discounts.


Personally, I think that sellers should leave feedback immediately on shipping, letting the buyer know that the purchase is on its way. If further words are needed later, a Response can be added to the FB from either buyer or seller, indefinitely.

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