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First, I love Buying and Bidding on Ebay.But, to all Sellers out there....If you charge the new Global Import Fees....on top of....regular Shipping Fees, I have chosen to automatically not bid or buy from you and will search another Seller for the sa...
I have a seller who hasnt left me feedback even after kindly reminding them a month later. I left positive feedback, and there is no reason the seller should not do the same for me. I even explained to the seller that feedback is just as important to...
I posted a comment about a month ago, shocked at the final price I had to pay for an item that had the Global Import Charges tacked on, in addition to Shipping fees. (Not Seller's fault, they were clear about it) I just wanted the item....However, I ...
Recently purchased an item where the seller charged Import Charges. Paid over twenty dollars in shipping, plus the item price, and then was charged another twenty some dollars for Import Charges. Not blaming Seller at all....but this new Import Charg...
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