This is a first for me

Community Member
Ok had a customer file for a charge back.. I got tired of his irate emails so I closed the case. I lost of course. Sent PayPal a few of the irate emails he sent me and tonight as I was reading through my emails it was reverse in my favor. LOL Getting prepared for more emails from him.
Message 1 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Congrats, A case is never closed, always go back and fight, and see you can win!
Message 2 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Most people don't realize that, in a chargeback, the CC Companies always initially take the buyer's side, but it's just provisional - they haven't really decided the case.

The real decision takes place about 6 weeks later. All they;re doing with the provisional chargeback is effectively placing a hold on the money.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 3 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Community Member
Oh I know I haven't heard the last from him. I closed the case for I was tired of waking up to his emails every morning. I never expected to win. I just sent Paypal the emails since they didn't know who was right or wrong and tend to side with the buyer.
As for CC and charge backs. I tried a CC charge back once for an item I didn't order and boy oh boy it took months but I believe in the end I lost. It was for a mere $25 but being that we were in the middle of moving and changing ISP's they couldn't contact me. Life got busy with building our new house etc etc and I never bothered following up.
Message 4 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

You can block him on your personal emails.

And I understand that soon we will be able to block members on our eBay Messages.
Message 5 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Community Member
Surprisingly I haven't had an email from him so we wait LOL And no word from PayPal about a hold on any funds. But life is busy right now. Just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary..son is home for a bit before he heads off to Montreal. So what happens happens
Message 6 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

And a Happy Anniversary......
Message 7 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

First chargeback for me as well last week. PayPal only allows several options - provide tracking, provide proof and accept liability.

There is no way I am voluntarily accepting liability and there is no tracking on small orders, so I picked "provide proof" and wrote "possible testimony from two staffers who handled the shipment". Will see where it goes.
Message 8 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

You will lose.

The issue is not whether you shipped but rather if you delivered.

Better to refund, block the buyer, file a claim with Canada Post and move on.

The deal on eBay is that sellers have to guarantee delivery, pretty well the same off eBay if someone pays by credit card or Paypal.

Message 9 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

I believe that if it is an actual credit card chargeback versus a ebay/paypal "claim", that paypal requires proof of shipping, not delivery
Message 10 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

You will lose.

The issue is not whether you shipped but rather if you delivered.

Better to refund, block the buyer, file a claim with Canada Post and move on.

The deal on eBay is that sellers have to guarantee delivery, pretty well the same off eBay if someone pays by credit card or Paypal.


Perhaps, but I will not voluntarily accept liability, will have to be forced. Outcome may be the same, but there is difference.

OTOH PayPal gets approx $600/m in fees, almost half of it can be moved out of PayPal. With this monthly volume, I can get similarly priced service elsewhere and it will include Interac, which PayPal does not offer. Few months ago I have successfully disputed overdraft fee of $40 with a US bank. I told them I would take my $4000/m of VISA transactions someplace else and they waived it. It was their fault anyway, they rearranged transactions to maximize overdraft revenue, Obama has already put a stop to that practice.
Message 11 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Outcome may be the same, but there is difference

Roman, the warrior 🙂

The difference for me is that the buyer is less stressed (less hard feelings out there) and it's over quicker.

After all, it IS the seller's responsibility to deliver and, if the buyer claims non-receipt and you can't prove otherwise, why bother?

The buyer deserves to be made whole, delivery is the seller's responsibility and we all know what the deal is when we set up shop on eBay.

Factor in that, if a buyer is made to run the complete gauntlet, the resistance to leave a neg is reduced.

Message 12 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Charge-back due to unauthorized CC use is not delivery issue, but payment issue.

With certain volume you cannot avoid negs. It takes 50% of effort to satisfy 98% of customers and another 50% to satisfy remaining 2%. I have 2 kids, working 16hrs a day, I have other priorities than climb cheap fussy buyer a** in my spare time.

I had $15k loss 3 weeks ago, got up and keep moving, how much do you think sleep I am loosing about this $20 charge-back?

Hey, did you know that paintball guy made his million and sold his business? You should see his customer service. Pretty much about same as any corporate customer service in real word outside eBay :^O Making the buyer whole, you make me laugh :^O You sound like you never dealt with phone, cable or utility companies before. Or eBay.
Message 13 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me


I did not realize it was a CC chargeback and assumed it was a INR in your case. Yes, that is a different issue.

I had 2 of those so far and simply filed claims with Canada Post. CP paid but, what was more embarrassing, PP refunded our $$'s in both cases as well.

Really sorry to hear about your big loss. What the heck did you do to manage that?

Yes, I have dealt with all the entities you mention, replete with their glorious customer service. However, I don't take lessons from them and stand by what I said re my own customer service.

Message 14 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

PayPal has finally awarded the buyer the chargeback. They not only took whole amount including their fee, which they did not return like during refund, but they also charged another mystery fee of $10.

I found some reading about charge-backs and it's some interesting reading there. Several pages of explanation that read: SUCK IT UP

Bernie, who will make me whole? No goods, no money, plus some funny fee. When I tried to charge-back the Curzons club well within the 5-day contract, the TD bank has refused. Dang, I seem to be always on the shorter end/
Message 15 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Sorry to hear that, Roman.

What type of service did you use to send the merchandise and what is the amount in question before the $10 fee?

Message 16 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me

Bernie, the amount was small: $15.12 and mailed with O/S Letter. Amount is not enough to do anything about it without making everyone else laugh. It just bugs me that thief walks away with a freebie without any possibility for recourse and I am stuck with charges, instead I could take the family to ZOO for that money.

And it also bugs me that internet merchant is the last sucker who takes liability for Unauthorized use when it's banks job to process transaction and make sure money exists on the other end and is not stolen. The same banks that have driven the world into probably worst recession in recent history have no liability, only profits to make. I can't do anything, cannot even make record on his credit history.

Who gave the schmuck the credit card? Bank or the merchant? Who should take responsibility for misuse? Why should be the merchant liable for punk forgetting his card somewhere (if it was even Unauthorized, the guy was NARUd for a reason, probably caught abusing the system).

The rules for accepting credit cards are too draconian. Someone should step on VISA's toes.
Message 17 of 18
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Re: This is a first for me


Send me a reminder in the morning and I will show you how to recover your loss, including the $10 fee from Paypal.

Message 18 of 18
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