Tracked-Packet USA causing problems at checkout

I'm curious whether anybody else has encountered this issue:


For items that are offered with "Tracked Packet USA" service, American buyers can use the "shipping calculator" prior to purchase, and they see the correct calculated shipping.  


Once they purchase the item, the checkout process fails with the error "there is no shipping service available to your address". 


On my end, the correct values are already entered in the invoice. If I re-send the invoice manually, the customer can proceed with checkout. 



Suffice to say this is irritating at best, and losing me customers at worst. (The repeat customers that are seeing it every time are beginning to think I don't know how to operate).  The tracked packed service is relatively new, and I began using it on many of my items in response to US seller standards for tracking introduced last Spring. 


I've spoken with eBay support on several occasions (as far back as March of 2014), and they've assured me that it's a known issue that they have (recently) been able to reproduce -- but low priority. Probably weeks away from resolution, if not more. I thought maybe if anybody else was seeing this, they could make a call and help add some pressure to get this fixed. 


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Re: Tracked-Packet USA causing problems at checkout

I don't really have an answer but why can't you just use Flat-Rate shipping instead of calculated?



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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Re: Tracked-Packet USA causing problems at checkout

Flat rate is an option -- but introduces other problems. Flat rates to the USA would be doable, and I've considered it on many occasions. The problem is that in order to use a flat rate to the USA, all other International options I want to offer would have to be flat rate as well. The heavier small-packet type items (0.5 - 1.0 kg) have quite an cost range for International shipments, and there are cases where I need to offer parcel rates for adequate insurance coverage, or express shipping options. These simply can't be lumped into flat rates. 


(Note to eBay - I'd love to offer flat rate shipping to the USA, while retaining calculated shipping elsewhere). 


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Re: Tracked-Packet USA causing problems at checkout

Not applicable

I cannot trust eBay's shipping calculator ever.  Since it is Tracked Packet to  USA, it is one same flat rate for around $14.50 which I listed it myself not relying on eBay's shipping calculator.


Never min if it is a glitch on eBay's part just don't rely on eBay's feature for shipping calculator, it is not worth having headaches, etc, etc.

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Re: Tracked-Packet USA causing problems at checkout

I agree with some of the other concerns about calculated shipping -- but I've seen a big increase is International business since offering more flexible shipping options overseas. That isn't possible for me with flat rates alone. 

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