We Need Reputation Protection

Community Member
I have had many situations where I have not left a negative feedback for someone because of the fact that that person can leave a negative for me. If ebay really wants to give sellers unpaid item protection then a buyer who receives an unpaid item strike should not be physically able, under any curcumstance, to leave a negative feedback for that seller.

I would rather let a person walk away from a sale, having wasted valuable time and money (and potentially leaving me infuriated because of a refusal to pay), then take a negative feedback for no reason.

My reputation as a seller with 100% feedback, and all other sellers' reputations (regardless of whether or not they are powersellers), should be protected in order to prevent problem buyers from perpetuating a viscious cycle.

For example, I currently have a person who refuses to pay for an item because I will not ship it to her prior to payment (does she think I am an idiot?). This person has threatened to leave me negative feedback if I do not do this. It is frustrating to have to deal with problem buyers like this and it would be useful if ebay had any interest in protecting a seller's reputation: products come and go, but any company's greatest asset is its reputation.

Unpaid item strikes are meaningless if a problem buyer can retaliate against you! We NEED Reputation Protection...
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We Need Reputation Protection

Community Member
joint-i'm reading this, and thinking...when did i write this? i don't remember writing this...the reason i'm thinking that is because you have taken these words and thoughts literally from my mouth...i have been thinking about the exact same thing within the last few days myself and have been thinking about who i should write this to (the powers at ebay) to get them to HEAR this problem/unfairness that sellers face. of course, i'm not a complete idiot, i know that one little 'complainer' in canada will certainly not change the policy, but i wonder, why do we need to voice this to have this ridiculous policy changed??? it just doesn't make any sense. i'm infuriated myself as i'm currently dealing with an idiot who hasn't paid for their item, today is day eight and i've opened a dispute...i haven't heard from him (barely) in the last week, but boy, was he quick to respond to the disute, making sure that he completely lied about everything. these problem 'buyers' are such a nuisance, and its true, i will not leave negetive feedback because i don't deserve one in return. if ebay wants sellers to leave feedback that these buyers deserve, then they need to change their policy. why does it matter if they 'resond' to the dispute?? they still haven't paid!! come on ebay-START HELPING THE SELLERS A BIT!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRX-(
is it just me, or are there lots more non paying bidders out there lately and complete utter morons???
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We Need Reputation Protection

The problem, of course, are the less-than-stellar sellers who would abuse such a system.
What we really need is a appeals process to an arbitrator who would actually look at the situation and make a decision for one side or the other. Given the expense involved, that's not likely to happen.

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We Need Reputation Protection

Community Member
Maybe ebay should make it so that feedback is no longer available once a dispute is opened and that unpaid item strikes can be placed on a person's profile and viewed by a the general public.

There has to be a solution that does not increase the costs for ebay and does not give sellers an ability to give people feedback unfairly.

On the other hand, once the dispute phase is finished, a seller should not have to worry about whether a problem buyer is going to tarnish their reputation. If the solution is to no longer be able to leave feedback once a dispute has been opened then so be it. The alternative, our current situation, is far worse.
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We Need Reputation Protection

Community Member
Maybe ebay should make it so that feedback is no longer available once a dispute is opened and that unpaid item strikes can be placed on a person's profile and viewed by a the general public.

isn't that a good idea! and by the way, why is it that sellers can't see how many unpaid strikes buyers have? or is there a way i don't now about?
Message 5 of 7
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We Need Reputation Protection

WOW!!!! As Meatloaf said in the 80's "You took the words right out of my mouth!

To finish that it must have been "must have been while Ebay was kissing me!"
Message 6 of 7
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We Need Reputation Protection

Community Member
I'd sign this petition!!
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