eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
Well, it looks like eBay has done an AMAZING job of listening to it's PowerSellers (yes, that would be sarcasm).

Once again, it is launching the discounted listing day, good only for items listed on .ca.

I'm afraid I must agree with the poster on another thread who stated that this absurd promo can only be the works of the more powerful .com folks forcing their way into the .ca world.

There is no way the "powers that be" at eBay would be stupid enough to launch this again, after so much outpouring of annoyance, unless they simply had no choice.

It's a shame, really. I used to be happy to be a member of eBay Canada.

You know, I wouldn't even mind this as much if I had ANY way of accessing my Selling Manager Pro inventory in eBay.ca, but it simply does not exist.

If I could copy and paste my listings into a .ca format and get them ready for the day, I probably would.

But I can't... I just can't do it. I've tried to figure out a way, I've even called the PowerSeller support line... no such thing exists.

So, I will say it again - why create promotions tailored towards convincing your .com sellers to move their postings to .ca, if you don't provide tools that allow that to happen easily?

Hello right hand, this is left hand... what ya doin????

I know that nobody is listening and - even if they are - they probably don't care, but I had to say it.
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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

I have the same problem. I will not be participating in any .ca-only promotions.

Odd that they are running another after only a week - and in the 'hot' run-up-to-Christmas period too. Methinks all is not well in ebayland.

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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
Not 1 item listed through .ca

Screw it


My mommy says i'm cool

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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Hi all,
I too am very disappointed as a Blackthorne user being unable to take part in the sales and list on Ebay.ca. Ebay promotes the tool to Canadian users but does not support it use on Ebay.ca. If there were a way to list on Ebay.ca I would. So its really a closed sale for the small sellers only.

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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

For such a big company these guys have the most mickey-mouse systems developers and programmers.
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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
I'm with you guys on this. Not participating in any .ca only promos either.
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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
I won't be participating in any .ca only promos either. Way too much work to copy & paste every item using the SYI form.
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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
I, as well, do not participate in the recent .ca exclusive promotions because I also use SMP. It would be nice if this message could be understood by Jordan Banks and his crew but I'm not holding my breath.

In his "Holiday Cheer" message, Jordan says "The one thing we know for sure in our office is that we are not always right (that might be the understatement of the year). However, each one of us tries our very best to listen to what the Canadian eBay community is saying and then we push hard to turn your thoughts/comments/suggestions into action. We all feel incredibly lucky to be working for such a passionate and loyal group of people." Who are you talking about, Jordan?? Let me know what select group of passionate and loyal group of people you are referring so that I can apply for membership. If our comments and concerns as Powersellers have little or no impact on the happenings at eBay.ca it would be wise for us to abandon this board and go to where our words are heard and understood.

Since the inception of the Canadian Powersellers it has been plagued by pinks that parachute in to introduce themselves and them disappear into the mists to be never or rarely heard from again. It appears that, unless Powersellers ask questions of pinks on the Canada Town Square board it is unlikely they will be heard. Or is it that they are being ignored? As a reminder to Jordan and his crew "These sellers rank among the most successful sellers in terms of product sales and customer satisfaction on eBay. We are proud to recognize their contributions to the success of the eBay Community!" (from the Canadian Powerseller Portal). In my view, the pride or recognition is rarely demonstrated.

So to eBay.ca, continue to have your .ca exclusive promotions without the participation of most of your largest volume sellers. But just don't rest your head on your pillow at night telling yourself that you are sincerely making an effort to improve Canadian seller profitability. More appropriately, be honest with yourself that your promotions are only to increase eBay profitability by attracting more casual garage-sale sellers to the site.

Merry Christmas!

Bill treasure-pot


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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Nice post, Bill. Well said.
Message 9 of 13
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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
Thanks Ann... on a side note to both you and Monique (who I know frequents this board), Wiley has posted the title to it's website for January release. You can find it here:


Have a great holiday...

Bill treasure-pot


Message 10 of 13
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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member

Yay Bill!

"More appropriately, be honest with yourself that your promotions are only to increase eBay profitability by attracting more casual garage-sale sellers to the site."

You got that right! No bigger seller using any listing tool can use the .ca only promos without spending tons of time on it. To me it means they really are going after the smaller sellers who will list on .ca using only the SYI form. The rest of us list on .com.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
I am a small seller. I ended up using Turbolister to change all of my stuff to .ca so that I could take advantage of the promos. (I like the promos now, but it took me forever to change our listings.) It was too much work to keep listing on both .com and .ca (margins too slim to afford that much time). Can't imagine the time it would take you larger sellers to convert listings. Don't suppose that ebay.ca could give us a Canadian version of SMP that could switch our listings between .com and .ca quickly?

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eBay Canada Price Promotion - I guess they didn't listen, or don't care

Community Member
Hi CG;

It's not likely that .ca would spring for the expense of a software package tailored just for Canucks. Heck, Education Specialists have a hard enough time getting them to pony up the cash to redo the Basics of Selling program that is more than two years old. And, according to Jordan, funds are better spent elsewhere than extending the program in Canada to allow us to offer the same programs as our US counterparts.

eBay.ca is notoriously tight with spending. It is well understood that we are a much smaller market than our US cousins but, proportionately, we don't appear to get our share of the revenue generated put back into programs as do our friends to the south.

Bill treasure-pot


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