item description does not match item being sold on every listing I view ...

Every listing I have visited in the past few days reflects a description relating to some kind of clock ... it doesn't matter if I am viewing details in clothing, shoes, makeup, jewelery ... etc.  the same description for this clock appears.

Anyone know what this is about?  

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Re: item description does not match item being sold on every listing I view ...

Your time is up?




Have you closed your computer right down and let it rest for half an hour then started it up again?


That's weird.

Message 2 of 3
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Re: item description does not match item being sold on every listing I view ...

I'm not exactly clear about what you are describing.  You say every listing "reflects a description".  Are you saying that no matter which listing you view, you also get an ad for a clock?  Does this appear in a box on the right side of the listing, underneath the info about the seller?  It is an embedded advertisement, reflecting past browsing history.  Here is eBay's explanation:


In order to show ads tailored to your interests, eBay Inc. may use information about you, such as the content you view or the search terms you enter. You have the ability to opt out of these customized ads at any time.

We think these customized ads can help us improve your experience whether you are on eBay Inc. websites or anywhere else on the web.

If you decide to opt out of customized advertising, please keep in mind you'll still see ads, but they won't be tailored to your interests.

You can  read more about our privacy policy  or  continue to AdChoice advertising preferences   to opt in or out of customized ads.

Please also note that opting out with AdChoice does not affect the ability of third party advertisers to set cookies. For more information on third party advertising cookies please visit either: or


You can clear your history, cookies, cache, etc, on a regular basis, but this will recur.

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