suspended bidder

I had an individual with 0 feedback purchase an item this afternoon.When I went to send the invoice the following came up We are sorry. Checkout is not available at this time since the registered status of the buyer has been blocked. The suspended user should resolve any outstanding complaints on file.
I dont understand if the individual was suspended or blocked how is it they can get as far as they did? She or he is now asking: How can I pay for this item?
I would appreciate your thoughts...
golfing in style
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Re: suspended bidder

Have you checked to see if she's actually NARU? That's what "registered status of the buyer has been blocked" in ebayese would mean to me.

You could suggest a postal money order, since she's technically not a member of ebay and the rule about payments technically wouldn't apply to her.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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