unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

Community Member
I have saved this post for some time. Have not actually tried it yet.

"This is interesting. Apparently you can leave a longer feedback if you post it through this link:

Use this link to post 125 character feedback instead of the regular 80:

http://feedback.tw.ebay.com/ws1/eBayISAPI.dll?GetAndShowTransactions&userid=&otheruserid=default&item=0&nflw=1&page=1 "
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unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

Community Member
It crashed my browser but I gather the point is to use the taiwan site. I could have used this earlier when I was leaving feedback for an @aol buyer.
Message 2 of 8
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unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

That is very interesting.
It worked fine for me, and brought up all my listings.

Would the feedbacks show in English as typed?
I would think they would, but just wondering.

I wonder if the (Positive, Neutral, Negative, I will Leave Feedback Later) format is the same?


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unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

Community Member
The format is the same (I can read it). I think English would be ok based on general computer knowledge.

Usually each Chinese character counts 2 letters, that may mean 250 characters in English (I haven't tried it, so not sure). Anybody tried?
Message 4 of 8
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unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

Community Member
Tried it. 125 Characters, not 250.
Message 5 of 8
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unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

Thank you!
Sometimes you just need those couple of extra letters.
Message 6 of 8
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unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

Community Member
How can I tell though what is positive Neutral Negative?? Somebody who can read Chinese needs to # them on this thread from left to right.
Message 7 of 8
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unconfirmed way to leave longer feedback.

Community Member
See Lynn's #2.

From left to right:
Positive, Neutral, Negative, I will Leave Feedback Later
Same as in English.
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