Global Shipping Program U.S. to Canada - Does this Guarantee I Won't Pay Anything At My Door?

Community Member

I bought a couple of items on, but they are coming from U.S. to Canada. I bought through the Global Shipping Program, which says it covers all import fees. However, I am still worried that there might be fees I'll have to pay at my door upon delivery. So I want to confirm and clarify, does buying through the global shipping program 100% guarantee that I will not pay any brokerage fees, or other fees, upon delivery at my door? Is it Canada Post that will deliver to me, and might they ask me for more fees to pay, or does the GSP eliminate that possibility? Thank you.

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Global Shipping Program U.S. to Canada - Does this Guarantee I Won't Pay Anything At My Door?

No there will not be any duty or sales taxes.

Those were covered by GSP when you paid their import fees.



FWIW, just to confuse you, you did not pay duty/sales tax.

 The GSP did, on your behalf.

This is a difference without a distinction until you have to return something to the seller. In that case, getting your entire payment back can be fussy and difficult.

Fortunately it is also very very rare.

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