HI, I dindèt received my item ..?????? NEW 1TB Toshiba Canvio Basics USB3.0 Portable External Hard D


I didnèt recevived my Item., if this seller dosen't exist...how come he working on web e-bay site.. please check this acound asap!!! I need my money back...Please


NEW 1TB Toshiba Canvio Basics USB3.0 Portable External Hard Disk Drive Black

Item priceC $38.64
Item number131874783392 NEW 1TB Toshiba Canvio Basics USB3.0 Portable External Hard Disk Drive Black
Item priceC $38.64
Item number131874783392
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HI, I dindèt received my item ..?????? NEW 1TB Toshiba Canvio Basics USB3.0 Portable External Hard D

This is a member to member Board, but we can help you.

You ordered the thingy. What was the date of the order?

You paid for the thingy. Did you use Paypal?

Where is the seller located?

If the seller is in North America has it been 20 days or more since your payment?

If the seller is in China has it been 30 days or more since your payment?


Not every seller uses tracking (even though it is a Seller Protection) and not every seller tells the buyer when the thingy is sent.



Go to the bottom of this page.

Go to the Resolution Centre.

Open an Item Not Received Dispute.

The first suggestion is to contact the seller. There is a Contact Seller link on the listing.

Do NOT get hung up on this.

Your question should be "When was this sent? What service did you use? What is the tracking number?"

A  satisfactory response would be answering all those questions, especially the tracking number OR an immediate refund of your entire original payment.

An offer of a replacement is NOT satisfactory.

An request that you close the dispute 'so we can refund you' is NOT NOT NOT satisfactory.


If you do not get a refund, escalate to a Claim.

If the seller cannot prove delivery (not shipping, delivery) you will be refunded.

There may be a few delays in there to allow for responses.


You can open a Dispute for 30 days after the last estimated date for delivery.


If that date has passed, come back and we will go on to the other method.



PS- did you know that you can use the backbutton on your phone to correct your spelling mistakes?

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