Income tax 2013

Community Member

Don't forget when you file to claim a few MPs and Senators as your dependants!




MPs at work earning $12000 a month. Give them credit for at least showing up, some don't! 




"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 1 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

Ya it is time to get rid of the senate.

Since when did senate reform become important to the NDP?


Message 2 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

''Since when did senate reform become important to the NDP?''


Since it will hopefully get them votes the next election.

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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

March 2011:


OTTAWA—Abolishing the Senate would plunge Canada into a constitutional drama it doesn’t want, Prime Minister Stephen Harper says.


NDP Leader Jack Layton is arguing it’s time for Harper to admit defeat on Senate reform and for Canadians to be asked in a national referendum whether to abolish the unelected chamber of Parliament.

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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

So the NDP have asked for senate reform since 2011. Not long enough to make them the champions of senate reform.

Preston Manning was asking for senate reform for 20 years.

I am very disappointed in Harper for not staying with some of the core values of the Reform party.


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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

"the NDP have asked for senate reform since 2011."


Sorry if I gave you that impression from that press clipping.


The NDP has never asked for reform, they asked and have suggested to abolish the Senate for decades.  Not a new policy.  It has been around forever.  Unfortunately, the NDP as a third, fourth or fifth place party had little voice.  Now in official opposition, they can be heard.


Do I agree to abolish the Senate?  No.  I really think the Senate is an important part of our Canadian heritage and has a place in Parliament to balance the powers of the house of Commons.


Should it be reformed?  Yes of course but who is to say what "reform" should be like?  Does the Prime Minister offer the right answer?  Impossible to say as he has been appointed his conservative friends and partisan supporters to the Senate for seven years, doing exactly what previous government had been doing and totally disregarding his "reform" policies.


Reforming the Senate can only be done if the Supreme Court agrees, seven provinces agree, and will only work if the overall support of the Canadian population is behind it. It should not and cannot be a partisan solution.


Reform will not stop "errors" such as the election or appointments of a few senators (Duffy, Wallin, Brazeau, etc...) who will abuse the system and line their pockets.  However, a few bad apples is not a good enough reason to abolish this Canadian institution.

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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

I would like to see an elected senate that doesn't have any party affiliation.

I would like to see full disclosure of the spending habits on both members of the senate and the house of commons.


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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

" elected senate..."


That is part of the problem.  An election is expensive.  It is expensive for the country (taxpayers) and expensive for those running for a seat, more so if there is no party support.


One of the advantages of the way members of the Senate are currently appointed (not elected) is that they stay in office after the current government has lost power.  In other words, the composition of Parliament (House and Senate) does not necessarily change following the result of an election.  Partisan composition has a much longer term effect.


Reform of the Senate as seen by Western Canada means more seats for them.  Not something folks in the Maritimes (with a much smaller population) necessarily want to see.


Maybe an eventual reformed Senate will have a few more seats for the West, some seats "reserved" for selection by provincial governments who may appoint and/or select "elected' senators, with other seats appointed by the government of the day.  A ten or twelve year term would appear appropriate as it would overlap more than two elections of the House.


To assure continuity, the number of senators forced to retire (by age or duration of mandate) should be spread ovet the years so that changes every year are not disruptive.


Whatever "reform" is contemplated, results will not please everyone and will be difficult to implement unless the government pushing for "reforms" agrees to take a non-partisan approach.  Easier said than done.

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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

Yes of course but who is to say what "reform" should be like?  Does the Prime Minister offer the right answer?  Impossible to say as he has been appointed his conservative friends and partisan supporters to the Senate for seven years, doing exactly what previous government had been doing and totally disregarding his "reform" policies.



Really???  He is the ONLY one to appoint an ELECTED senator (Past Liberal PM's had a chance and said NO) and has all of his appointee's sign paperwork saying they will step down if senate reform ever gets put in place and goes to an elected senate. I also do believe that all new seante appoinments are required to sign on for a set term only (not 100% on that I know they were working on it)


But pierre what was he to do for the last 7 years? leave all the senate seats empty?

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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

All I see from you is defence of the prime minister and his party, post after post.


How about you offer your own suggestions for senate reforms?  Or do you have to wait until the "party" tells its members what to think?

Message 10 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

Win win win for Harper! The electorate will be overjoyed to see three Senators suspended without pay. Now back to deficit elimination and job creation for Team Harper the two things that will matter the most in 2015.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 11 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

The electorate will be overjoyed to see three Senators suspended without pay.


Especially after all Harper's lies.

But I think they would have been much happier to see them booted out, removed, unemployed and then charged with fraud..........without the benefits they still have.

A majority of people aren't stupid. Harper and his friend Ford in TO have one thing in common. They're both on their way out.

Message 12 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

@prior-of-verity*shake-hands-with-your-devil wrote:

The electorate will be overjoyed to see three Senators suspended without pay.


Especially after all Harper's lies.

But I think they would have been much happier to see them booted out, removed, unemployed and then charged with fraud..........without the benefits they still have.

A majority of people aren't stupid. Harper and his friend Ford in TO have one thing in common. They're both on their way out.

Two of these senators learned how to milk the taxpayer while working at the CBC.


They thought they could just continue doing the same while in the senate.

Message 13 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

IF you could read you would see I have said post after post either do away with it completely OR have it elected--again the ONLY PM to put in someone that has been duly ELECTED is Steven Harper, Other had the opportunity and turned it down.


HOWEVER I have NEVER seen an answer from you on what should be done with the senate OR the empty seats in the senate!!


Guess you have not received the Liberal speaking notes since they don't even want to comment on the senate or what to do, they do not even like to hear about Mac Harb that took the most money in the latest scandal and has said he will NOT repay it.

Message 14 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

No payback from Harb, same as the $40k Liberals still owe from Adscam. It's the Liberal entitlement bandwagn same as always Steve.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 15 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

It is bothersome to see this happen and I am disappointed with Harper for the most part, but at least he is taking some type of action.

If these were liberal senators under a liberal government it would have been swept under the bridge and nothing would have been done.


Message 16 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders.

The old rancher said, "Well, you know, most politicians like Mike Duffy are 'Post Turtles'.''

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'post turtle' was.

The old rancher said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle."

The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb twit put him up there to begin with."

Best explanation I've heard yet.


"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

"you just wonder what kind of dumb twit put him up there to begin with."



Message 18 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

So I get asked about senate reform and I answer like I always have BUT the person that asked the question wants to hide and not give a response???

Now that is a bit ODD!


AGAIN I ask!


Pierre what should the PM have done for the past 7 years with the vacant senate seats???

Message 19 of 34
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Re: Income tax puppets 2013

Harper should have initiated Senate reform seven years ago following his first election, six years ago, five years ago, four years ago, three years ago...  He has done nothing other than ask for a reference from the Supreme Court this year.


He could have continued on his promise to appoint elected senators or leave the seats vacant.  There was not need to fill these seats other than for purely partisan purposes (Duffy, Wallin, etc...).


Or he could have done what other Prime Ministers have done before him... appoints a few Senators who are not associated to his Party.


However, that his not what he did, is it?


Now, what do you suggest to reform the Senate?

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