Wrong date format in use.

We are in Canada


Todays date should be shown as  05-07-2013


Why do these boards show the date as  07-05-2013

Message 1 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

I didn't know that writing the date one way or the other was particular to either Canada or the US.  I prefer day/mo/yr., but I can figure it out if it's the other way round...Woman Wink

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

We spell differently and use different temperatures and measurements also.




canujan eh

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

Yep, I do know that, but I didn't know that our differences extended to date order -- sigh -- what does it say about us Canucks that we have to constantly show how different we are from Amurricans? 😉
Message 4 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.



I thought you were American actualy I hadn't bothered to check.


That is why I mentioned temperatures and measurements.


BTW  why can't Americans spell properly?

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

Well, it's complicated because some American spellings are actually English spellings from the 18th and 19th c. But, for the most part, it's regional differences, education (or lack thereof) and all this texting and abbreviations, LOL! IHMO and AFAIK. 😉
Message 6 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.



It makes sense to me to have the date read day/month/year, but that's only because we use that format here in Aus so I've  never really known any different. I find the month/day/year format confusing, but I can figure it out after a while Woman Very Happy


I have noticed it's changed though since the a cpl days ago when I first came here.


Americanisms are taking over the world.

smallest icy
Message 7 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

Next thing you know they will have you driving on the wrong side of the road.


Towing trailers instead of caravans  and eating supper instead of having tea


driveing eh

Message 8 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

Ha ha. Wer'e already taking out the trash instead of the rubbish and using the sidewalks instead of the footpaths. Eating cookies instead of biscuits and going to the movies instead of the pictures.



smallest icy
Message 9 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

At least you still have pounds - shillings and pence



Message 10 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

@karl*katz wrote:

We are in Canada


Today's date should be shown as  05-07-2013


Why do these boards show the date as  07-05-2013

Go to My Setting -> Preferences -> Display -> and look at Date Display Format to select the order that you want.

Message 11 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

Cool it worked.


I must admit I never even looked in my settings.


thank you



Message 12 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

(Contrary to what this new forum software insists on saying above, this reply is not addressed to any particular poster).

I've never understood the logic of writing the date as month-day-year.   It's much more logical to start with the shortest period and end with the longest period,  day-month-year. 

>> #2:  I prefer day/mo/yr., but I can figure it out if it's the other way round...

Not if both initial figures are twelve or less i.e.

2-12-2013 could mean 2nd December 2013 or 12th February 2013.

Would it really blow a fuse in this forum software to properly indicate the month in letters instead of numbers i.e.  5 Jul 2013 ?

Some time ago I wrote to a newspaper here in the UK that had started using this trendy all number date system on their pages.  I sent them a page from an old issue that I happened to have kept, and asked them what actual date their all-number date at the top of the page referred to (I didn't have a clue).  A little while later they changed their dates back to the familiar 5th July 2013 format...


Message 13 of 14
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Re: Wrong date format in use.

Ha ha! Gawd you're funny!


We've had dollars and sense since 1966

smallest icy
Message 14 of 14
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