Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion

I thought this was interesting as it is outside my bag-of-tricks and selling experience. Any sellers of vintage fashion want to join the thread? Excerpt to follow. 



Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion 

Entrepreneurs make thousands selling roughed-up Levi's and rock T-shirts

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Re: Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion

I am always amazed (happy too) at what people will buySmiley Very Happy

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Re: Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion

The customers are not buying clothing, they are buying history.


Westwood is an acclaimed designer and a founder of the punk aesthetic.


How old were the 'tattered' jeans? Wouldn't a collector of the Candian West love to have any clothing from pioneer days-- like a pair of GWG jeans made in Winnipeg?


The Museum of Civilization in Ottawa has a 'future history' division which collects popular culture as it happens. Everything from political buttons, to bottles of Cott's  'redpop', to fine perfumes, to workboots, to.....



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Re: Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion

I thought it was interesting since it is an area of sales that I know next-to-nothing about. And also, it's nice to see ebay mentioned in a positive way for a change. 

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Re: Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion

I think that you mean Edmonton?


That's an interesting article. I had no idea that GWG jeans were made in Alberta at one time.

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Re: Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion

Hmm, I may have to convince my DH to let me put his 1950s era GWG jeans jacket up for sale on eBay. Yeah, like he'd let me do that! Of course he hasn't worn it in 50 years but he doesn't like parting with anything! Do you think safari suits will ever come back in style?😀🙄

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Re: Inside the lucrative top-secret world of rare vintage fashion

Err- yes.

Winnipeg was quite the centre of the garment industry at one time. I remember a story that the government tried to make manufacturers use  consistent sizing for women's clothing in the late 70s.

They hired some Manitoba women to come up with normal measurements, but the women basically just measured their own social group, leaving out the many many other ethnic groups with different body types.

The measurements were of course useless.

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