Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

I just made Bronze Power Seller today and I am a bit proud of that - but the Top Rate Seller Logo is not showing up on any of my listings including one I just put on.


The only place that it is showing up is in My eBay Summary.


Anyone know why?


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
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Re: Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

Is the logo on your ebay page for a TRS or for a Powerseller? If you are a TRS then there should be a TRS logo and a powerseller logo on that page. The powerseller logo hasn't been on listings for a while now...just the TRS logo.


You have to be a power seller to be TRS but you don't automatically become a TRS just  because you're a powerseller. Have a look at your dashboard and it should make it clearer.



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Re: Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

Community Member

need 100 sales/year

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Re: Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

Yep - I had a look  and yr right.


But it is quantity over quality - I just don't understand that.


If I have 100 transactions for a total of $1,000 per year I would be a Top Rated Seller.


I only have about 40 or 50 or so a year - but I make about $8,000 to $10,000 per year on those sales.


It just does not make sense - I bring in fair bit of dollars for eBay and PayPal for fees on those amounts and I would make Top Rated Seller and get 20% off FVF and reap all the benefits if I had 60 more sales but only sell $1,000.


That's just nuts. What is their reasoning here?


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
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Re: Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

Try to find a low priced (<$10) product with Free shipping that can go Lettermail/Light Packet that will make the additional sales you need qualify for TRS. Something to compliment you specialty niche in old radios if possible.


Perhaps CDs of old time radio shows. Make 5 or 10 CD compilations. Old time radio shows are not copyrighted so anyone can make CDs. Or find an old time radio CD seller on eBay and buy his product for resale. Make a deal with that eBay seller.


Remember that you do not need to make a large profit on this product because you are after the 20% FVF.

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Re: Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

"But it is quantity over quality..." - no it's not - it's a mixture of quantity and value. High value items does not necessarily mean high quality.


I've made powersellers and TRS selling $2 postcards.

In order to achieve such a status I must sell many, and do a good job at it consistently.  I am then rewarded for such diligent work.


The set quota of selling ~2 items per week is fair as it allows for an accurate assessment of that seller's performance over a period of time. 


Selling just a few high priced items would not give an accurate portrayal of a seller's style - unless it was measured over an extended period of time.


Message 6 of 8
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Re: Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

Try to find a low priced (<$10) product with Free shipping that can go Lettermail/Light Packet that will make the additional sales you need qualify for TRS. Something to compliment you specialty niche in old radios if possible.

Remember that you do not need to make a large profit on this product because you are after the 20% FVF.


This is excellent advice.  I ended up doing this too to get the right mix of total sales + total dollar value in a 12-month period to achieve TRS status.  RossCD57, I think you and I are in much the same boat, although what we offer for sale is quite different.  I was focused only on higher-priced, one-of-a-kind items until I realized I would never get that 20% TRS discount unless I could sell a number of lower-priced items each month as well.


As mentioned, it's best to have small, inexpensive items that ship cheaply (or for free) and that tie in with your main products.  


I have a couple of other ideas to offer (depending on what you have access to).  You might be able to find vintage magazines at flea markets or thrift shops, etc. that actually advertised some of the types of radios you sell.  You could get the ads printed up on good, framable paper stock (like 80lb) and offer them for a few dollars a piece. 


Another idea might be to find decent quality photos of radio personalities from the 1930's-40's and have them printed on framable stock (as long as they're not copyrighted of course).  


This could become quite a sideline in fact, that could be developed into various items - posters, mugs,  T-shirts, you name it. 


By the way, I love your radios.  My dad used to tinker with radios as a hobby, so I have a certain fondness for old glass radio tubes!! 🙂

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Top Rated Seller Logo not there?

As mentioned, it's best to have small, inexpensive items that ship cheaply ( or for free ) and that tie in with your main products.


Yes, Yes. Never discount the Secondary Market in regards to your category.


Ross has & sells some nice product.


Just a suggestion. Was at a Music Collectors Show a while back.


Seems a couple of young kids were buying Vintage Stereo Equipment from Thrift Stores, repairing if needed, cleaning them so they looked new & then selling them.


Seems to have had a crowd at their booth & cash was changing hands.


Could Ross sell his radios at a similiar show ? Not sure.

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