eBay listings look different depending on how I access them

This is a strange issue I've been noticing for the last few days. Thought it might be a glitch, but it didn't go away so I'm not sure now.


If I look at my active listings by clicking on them through Selling Manager, they look like this:

ebayold.PNGI don't like this view because it doesn't process my photos correctly. There is no option to "hover" over them and see a zoomed in view of the image. Clicking the "Enlarge" button under the image just brings the image up at basically the same size in a pop-up window. Also, on my computer anyway, the images appear fuzzy and not of as high a quality. This almost looks like some older version of what the eBay listing pages looked like (?). I also just noticed the "Add to Cart" button is not there.




Alternatively, if I access my active listings by doing a search from them directly on eBay, they show up like this:




To me, this is the 'proper' way they should look. With the "Mouse over to Zoom" functionality, and more modern layout.


Anyone know what the issue might be? Interestingly, I can also get to the second version by copying the link from the first version and simply pasting it in an "Incognito" window in Chrome - this makes me think it might be some issue with how my browser is registering the pages. I tried deleting all my cookies and stuff from Chrome and it didn't fix anything. The exact same issues happen in Internet Explorer (or whatever they call it now) as well.

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eBay listings look different depending on how I access them


This is eBay conducting it's usual experiments in presentation.




Message 2 of 6
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eBay listings look different depending on how I access them

I am experiencing the same thing, as are most of us. It's utterly random which view you get: current of the one dating back to 2013. I raised it with eBay Canada staff at the Weekly Board Hour recently and was told it's not an error necessarily but how your browser loads the page. 


I think it's unsightly. 



Message 3 of 6
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eBay listings look different depending on how I access them

The less one worries about what eBay does.


The better it will be for selling on eBay 


In one situation you cannot buy from yourself....  


In the second situation  anyone, except you, can make a purchase... and WITH a shopping cart.


I am most happy when my inventory sells......

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eBay listings look different depending on how I access them

Cumos - my main issue is that if this is how it's showing up on my computer, then who knows how it shows up on the computers of others (potential buyers!).

And just letting eBay get away with glitches like this with a "oh don't worry about it" mentality is not something that I'm wont to do. I am a paying customer of eBay's services and I don't feel like it's too much to ask to expect those services to work properly.

For the record: I am not worrying. This likely will have little (if any) impact on my sales. Nonetheless, it is a problem with the eBay system and needs to be fixed. I'm glad to see I'm not alone in experiencing this issue, and that it has been brought to the attention of eBay Canada staff.
Message 5 of 6
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eBay listings look different depending on how I access them

At the very least you temporarily have the convenient  "print" option back.... I sure do miss it.  

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