Canada Post upgrade???

Community Member
Hello all,

We're confused. That's normal, true, but it's a little worse than usual.

We've been talking to Canada Post about upgrading our discount to a level 2 from the current Venture rate. The conundrum is that the level 2 seems like a lot of extra time and paperwork.
We have a system that seems relatively efficient and get wonderful service from our local rural post office
We ship largely to the states, an even split between expedited parcel and small packet air.
Your collective and singular wisdom would be appreciated.

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Re: Canada Post upgrade???

Community Member
There are two levels in Canada

Shipping Levels in Canada
Shipping Levels in USA

Asking to be upgraded to a higher level, may be great . However you have to ask for it to be on Shipments to America

Now having said that, if you get level 2 to America it can only be used with the online tools . When you get level 2 from 1 to America it's a matter of pennies in savings

The worst part is when you use the online tool . The discount is applied , then the new commical rate is applied. When you use the New commerical rate to America the shipping rates are higher then your venture one card , even after you discount is applied

What you need to ask your agent or Rep is for the small business rate to America for writen manifests

The Next this you may want to review is a weekly trip across the boarder . Or see if there is a company that passes by your highway on the way donw to the boarder from a major city . Placing your items into the American Postal service on your own Canada be a savings of 50% from Canada Post rates

I am in the process fo going down to the boarder today to see what it involves
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Re: Canada Post upgrade???

Community Member
Hi there! I'm new to the Power Seller boards. I am wondering how it could be easier to BULK UPLOAD auctions without TURBO LISTER as I use a MACINTOSH and TURBO LISTER is for PC users only. Also, I find that shipping can get overwhelming as I try to increase the number of my auctions! Any tips for a Power Seller trying to make a living?
One more thing...anybody out there work from home and have a new born baby? Just curious as my wife and I both work from home for ourselves and are thinking of the baby thing...So any tips on streamlining the ebay business would help!
You gotta love ebay...!
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Re: Canada Post upgrade???

Community Member
We did the baby thing while , selling on Ebay . I use to use Turd lister . I find these two comapanies the best

Sparedollar is basically free almost 5.00 . You get as many pictures as you want . It done all on line great for MAC. No percentage after the item is sold . This is a good company if your items are always changing



If you have the same thing over and over then Auctionworks is the way to go . They take 2% of the sale , it's well worth all the extra's great company to keep you informed about up and coming companies for Ebay

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