Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Feb 2, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET

Community Member

Please join us on February 2 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET on the Canada Town Square discussion board for a general discussion and question and answer session with Jordan, the eBay Canada Country Manager. Jordan will be there on behalf of the eBay Canada team to answer any questions you have about eBay.

If you are not able to attend, but want to leave some questions in advance please post them on the discussion thread on Canada Town Square here: http://forums.ebay.ca/thread.jspa?threadID=600002574&tstart=0&mod=1138807858977 and you can check back later for answers. This thread will remain open until the discussion is over on February 2.

Hope you can join us!
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