Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

I listed 630 auctions with shipping as follows


$2.99 domestic with $1 off each additional

4.50 US with $1 of each additional


i have never never never made a shipping discount of each additional item free..


i listed all of them and checked about 60 of them right after i listed to varify it all worked out ...




This is a mess and I mean I mess ... i will stand to lose 100's of dollars or endure 100's of negs ....


i on my life know how I set it up and on top of that I never even knew you could make each additional free ...


what THE ..

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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

Ya and I just checked everything they are all like that this is a Disaster I want ebay to deal with this it is there system that is messed up .. WOW


Anyone anything this would be amazing if someone knew about a bug ...
I am not 99% sure I am 110% sure of how I set it up I am not a newbie here and i even went to look again and I don't even see where you can offer free for each additional item


my boxsets with the $10 discount buy now stayed the same but all my auctions changed .. WHAT THE HOLY i AM SCREWED

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

now after checking more .. The shipping discount wasn't even on some of the items so some went to Free and some went to no shipping discount ...


This is my worst nightmare

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

FYI it was done in bulk not individually  and it was done to all my blu rays.. Not DVD's or Nature blu rays


So even the blu ray section it only applied to some and not all and I got no notification when submitting that it did not work on all


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what is thissssssssss my god

Message 4 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

IS there a way I can hek on disounts I set up at an earlier date ?

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

Use bulk revise on those listings affected.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

I am wondering if this is connected with the fact that the "additional postage" box is coming up on all listings, whether there are multiple or not. I wonder if someone from eBay can look into this?

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

You might be right -- I've noticed some odd things happening with those little boxes coming up when you list just an individual item, which should not be happening.


'brande' --I'd suggest you bring this up with the "Pinks" today and see if you can get some quick answers.  I think there may be others encountering this problem.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

Take a deep breath.

Now go to your listings and end them all right now.

They will go to your Unsold Listings page and can stay there for upwards of 90 days.

Yeah. It's drastic and you may lose some fees but not hundreds of dollars.


I hope that a lot of these 713 listings are Free Auctions. Woman Sad


BTW, the first two items in your list have no pictures (I use Highest Price First as my Search). Just another tribulation.


And the first listing I opened said something like "Save $10 with multiple purchases." I hope that is meant to be there. I didn't see anything about discounts on shipping except that.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

ya my store is a disaster right now as I keep trying time to do an overhaul but only get a few done at a time .. But this week is my week to get it done ....




Still no answer working with the awesome guys from the boards to figure it out right now but might have an idea..


They think that because I put a discount on wholesale and boxset items it automatically over rided my other sale ...


1 sale ... $1 off each additional item


Second sale $10 off each addition item...


Second sale made it so that the first sale became free shipping because on the auctions the highest shipping was $4.50 to the US so the second sale took $10 off $4.50 and made it free...


This is going to cost me soooooooo much money... Thank god so far all customers have been awesome .. Cross my fingers..


Still waiting for Raph to confirm for me but I am pretty sure this is what happened...


Considering when you bulk revise it gives you every warning in the world you think it would tell you when you revise these 50 items it will also change the other couple 100 you set up ...


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa all together i figure it will cost me about $130 .. Actual cost alot more but after subtracting everything down to the break even point if I have to correct all it will have me at $130 loss ..


Here is hoping I don't decide to pack and ship 250 items for $130 loss LMAO



It funny you say take a deep breath because when i message Raph I did ALL IN CAPS ... Then I wrote him a second time and said ok now that I have calm down LOL



Message 10 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

And AZ too?


Do NOT buy a lottery ticket this week. It will not go well.





It doesn't hurt to have a contingency plan, Kaylee. -- Zoe Washburne

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Ebay guys i need help NOW .. This is a serious emergency shipping discount not as I set it

Thanks for the vote of confidence femme LMAO ....


It has been a horrible week for me but the amazon things doesn't bug me because I was closing it anyways but It just amazed me that they would close my account for such unjust reasoning...


Funny thing .. I just bought my lottery ticket 😉 come on baby

Message 12 of 12
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