Feedback store and changing name of store

When I change the name of my store....does my feedback store come with me...or does it go to zero?

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Re: Feedback store and changing name of store

I think your store name is good. I wouldn't change it, it matches your user ID.


But to answer your question, no, your feedback does not go back to zero. 


As an aside, I asked the same question myself not long ago. Here is the thread for your general information:


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Re: Feedback store and changing name of store

Thanks very much! ...I am changing the name for other reasons...I like the name also...but it needs to go!...your answer is very helpful 😊
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Re: Feedback store and changing name of store

Your user ID stays recorded under View ID History. This is how ebay knows who is who, regardless of their chosen ID at the moment. If you change it, you get a symbol displayed next to it for a limited amount of time that notifies other members of the alteration. If it's always the same, you see only one name here. Like mine. Except, weird. I've had this name since opening the account in May of 2006. I wonder what gives. It must be a bug.


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