First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hi all!

I just received my first negative feedback after being in business for 2 1/2 years on eBay...UNFAIR NEGATIVE FEEDBACK to boot! I listed a rare vintage bowl and noted the two defects (a chip and a crack) in the listing. A new buyer (0 feedbacks) to eBay makes the purchase and pays with Pay Pal. The item was promptly shipped. He receives the bowl and leaves NEGATIVE feedback about the 2 defects clearly noted...without even contacting me first. He then emails me telling me he is returning the item for a full refund. My listing states I will only refund if the item is greatly was as described! How would you handle this buyer?


Trinkets in Time
Message 1 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Sorry that happened to you. In spite of the fact you clearly stated in your auction description about the cracks etc, the newbie saw fit to neg you without first communicating with you. My suggestion, if you haven't done it yet is to Neg them back, keep your comments professional and factual, then ask your buyer to agree to a mutual withdrawal. If they refuse, there is nothing you can do about it however, I suggest you wear the negative with pride. You did NO wrong. Happy Holidays to you....
Message 2 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Thanks snoopwiz,

It's just very frustrating to take a negative feedback when its totally uncalled for. I already left him negative feedback keeping to the facts.

Happy Holidays!

Trinkets in Time
Message 3 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
that really s***ks!! i know the feeling, don't worry, you get over it as time goes by...its really too bad how you work hard to get the positives, and someone comes along and doesn't even give you the chance to allow you to make it better before negating you...even though you weren't even wrong in the first place!!
Message 4 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Thanks katiusciav,

I started my day with a dispute from this character from Pay Pal stating the item was not a described. I responded with the facts but we all know the seller has no rights in cases like this.

Trinkets in Time
Message 5 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Well, you may well get lucky on this one - if the Paypal employee handling the dispute actually reads your listing, you should win a NAD claim. Your auction description is quite specific, including a picture of the crack.

The neg - you're probably stuck with that, unfortunately.

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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Thanks Ann,

I value your opinion and hope your right. I'm fighting the dispute. I'm thinking I should escalate the dispute before he does but want to give the buyer a chance to back down and admit he didn't read the listing. Unfortunately I will be stuck with my first undeserved negative feedback.

Happy Holidays!

Trinkets in Time
Message 7 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
Hi Nora, It's a fact of ebay life. Sorry you got a neg, but it does happen and it's best not to dwell on it too much. Fight back at Paypal, since you did describe the flaws, and it is therefore worth fighting about and stating your case. The neg will likely remain as the newbie won't care. They get easier to take as time goes on and you accumulate a few! Don't let it ruin your holidays. Merry Christmas, GLoria
Message 8 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Thanks Gloria,

I knew I would get a negative feedback sooner or later but over defects noted on the listing is a bit hard to take. I'm sure it will not ruin my Holidays and I will continue to fight the unfair dispute.

Happy Holidays!

Trinkets in Time
Message 9 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
Hi Nora;

Like you I just got a rather unfair neg.X-( I also got two negs a couple of weeks ago from a bidder who used BINs to close two listings, did not pay and left negs within 24 hours without ever contacting me.

For all three negs I have found that the buyers have inaccurate contact info. That is cause for eBay to remove the negs. So be sure to pull their contact info and check to see if they have a working phone number. If not, report them for false contact info and ask eBay to remove the negative comment from your score. It happens more often than you might think and I'm proof of it.

Happy holidays to all!

Bill treasure-pot


Message 10 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hello Bill,

I'm sorry your going through this also...times 3. Must be the season for people with nothing better to do than to try and ruin a seller reputation. I'll double check his contact info.

Happy Holidays Bill and Thanks for the advice.


Trinkets in Time
Message 11 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
I'm thinking I should escalate the dispute before he does
Do it ASAP or you will lose this case.
Message 12 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
Do it ASAP or you will lose this case.

Not the case at all. It is not a race.

If the buyer has opened a dispute it is not necessary to escalate it to a claim. The party that gets there first does not necessarily win. Paypal will review the claim and make a determination as to whether the item was accurately described. In this instance, only the blind or incredibly stupid could find in favour of the buyer. The OP took great pains to accurately describe the condition of the piece in his/her listing. The buyer falls into the category of blind or incredibly stupid to suggest that the item was not as described.

OP, just go about your business. If the buyer decides to escalate to a claim I feel confident that it will be a short lived one and that Paypal will find in your favour. Just be warned that the buyer may have another course of acton if they paid through Paypal by credit card. If the buyer appeals through their card issuer you will likely be out of luck. CC companies rarely take the part of the vendor.

Good luck and happy holidays,

Bill treasure-pot


Message 13 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hello Bill,

Thanks for the great advice. I'm hoping the buyer comes to his senses and backs down...if not I willing to ride it out as long as it takes.

Happy Holidays to all!


Trinkets in Time
Message 14 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
That's a shame; I don't think this buyer reads at all! He also won another item from someone else:

As quoted in the other seller's auction: "This is the full British version"

As quoted in his positive feedback that he left for that auction: "This is a good game but thought it was the american version."

The best thing to do right now is hope for the mutual withdraw.

I must say though, judging from this buyer, you learn something new all the time. This buyer seems like a visual learner, he skimmed over your auction, looked at the picture and bid. In the picture I did not see a crack until I focussed more closely. If you look at my experimental auctions for these mounting brackets you will notice in the pictures they are very clear explaining the functions of the brackets. This could be a great opportunity to showcase the damages to your items. Use vibrant colours and maybe animated gifs that flash "SCROLL DOWN for CLOSE UPS of DAMAGES" etc. Another option might be to showcase the picture of the item before your text in case it's missed.

Message 15 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

It's unfortunate that we have to treat our customers like morons just because of the occasional buyer who is ... well ... a moron :^O

Nora, do you have an update?
Message 16 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!


So far nothing has changed with the dispute. The funds are still frozen in my Pay Pal account. The buyer sent some kind of attachment in a blank email but my computer will not open it stating "no compatible program available". I sent him an email asking him to resend it as a regular email but didn't get a response. That was Dec. 20th. I believe he has until January 8th to drop or escalate the dispute. I'm still hoping he comes to his senses and drops the dispute...wishful thinking on my part. I will keep you all informed. Thanks for the all the helpful advise and show of has really helped.

Happy New Year to all!


Trinkets in Time
Message 17 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hello djbullet2005,

Great listing! Do you have to pay 15 cents per picture? My listing fees per month are pretty high with only one picture.

I think your right about this buyer...he does not read the listing. Here's a copy of the email sent to me when he received the bowl.

"We're returning the item due to the fact that we thought that it was in mint condition we would like to have a refund of the price. The damage to item is too severe and thought that it might be a manufacturer's defect."

The listing clearly stated the chip and crack. It was listed as Good condition...not Mint. I hope he reads future listings to avoid other sellers from going through this ordeal.

Happy New Year!


Trinkets in Time
Message 18 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member

The only price I have to pay is the Gallery Fee. My pictures are hosted on a server that my auction software connects to. I can host unlimited pictures and eBay won't charge me. I see that you are using TurboLister. Check out auctionwagon, I use this software, it's more geared for consignment sales but it works good regardless. they have a 30 day trial, very easy to use and it has great features!

Where in Ontario are you located? I don't know if you noticed this thread, but check it out:
we are working on putting together a meeting for powersellers to discuss selling strategies etc.
Message 19 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
Keeping this thread on point.. Trinket. I feel for you.

At one point I use to care about the feedback system until I started getting blackmail offers to give discount in exchange for positive feedbacks. After the second unwarranted negative feedback, I decided that I was not going to let some bad apples win. I still get these threats from time to time but my approach now is to be firm and not back down from a negative situation.

There are really some bad apples out there and you've been lucky thus far. Keep in mind... you can't please everyone and some people see a glass half full and others half empty.. just do what you've doing for the past two years and those customers will have a reason to shop from you again and again.
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