First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hi all!

I just received my first negative feedback after being in business for 2 1/2 years on eBay...UNFAIR NEGATIVE FEEDBACK to boot! I listed a rare vintage bowl and noted the two defects (a chip and a crack) in the listing. A new buyer (0 feedbacks) to eBay makes the purchase and pays with Pay Pal. The item was promptly shipped. He receives the bowl and leaves NEGATIVE feedback about the 2 defects clearly noted...without even contacting me first. He then emails me telling me he is returning the item for a full refund. My listing states I will only refund if the item is greatly was as described! How would you handle this buyer?


Trinkets in Time
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hello tek-xpress,

Thanks for the encouragement. In the begining I was "blackmailed" quite a few times to give customers refunds without returning the item or they will leave negative feedback. Which I did to protect my business reputation. After my first year in business I decided to leave feedback after the worked...NO MORE BLACKMAILS. This buyer left negative feedback then contacted me for a refund. This claim automatically closes Jan. 8th, just 4 days away. I'll keep you all posted.

Happy New Year!


Trinkets in Time
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
After my first year in business I decided to leave feedback after the worked...NO MORE BLACKMAILS.

nora...this is pretty much me too now...i used to leave right away...and now, forget it...i've learned to leave after i receive my positive...
i hope your nasty negetive makes a disapearing act real soon..!
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hello everyone!

GREAT NEWS! The dispute closed last night without being escalated to a claim.

"Any funds associated with this payment that may
have been considered "Disputed" are now available for withdrawal."

No word from the buyer so I'm hoping this is totally finished. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for all the great advice it really has meant a lot.

Thanks again!

Trinkets in Time
Message 23 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Great news, Congrats!

Message 24 of 32
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Thanks Ann,

It was nice to wake up to good news for a change. Even the fee increases are not going to get me down today.


Trinkets in Time
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
Here is what I would have done.

Give the buyer a 100% refund including his shipping cost on the item.

A negative feedback is too serious to face especially if you have been in business for years.

It's a very poor system that E-bay has in place. It was originally designed to stop fraudulent sellers but it does not protect the honest seller who has integrity and works hard to ensure that all has been described properly.

Too bad that E-bay does not consider banning sellers or buyers who place negative feedback that is not warranted!
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Give the buyer a 100% refund including his shipping cost on the item.

I totally disagree. This will only encourage dishonest buyers to try to screw over other sellers. Many of us have encountered buyers who try to extort full or partial refunds with threats of negative feedback - they learned this behaviour from sellers who do not hold to their principles and will refund anything in an effort to avoid negative feedback.

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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
Hi Nora... glad to hear it worked out for you.

I'm with you on this one, Ann. Caving to the whims of a buyer that obviously spent no time reading the item description would be a poor business decision. I have accepted that I cannot please 100% of the people that buy from me - as hard as I might try. There are always going to be buyers that expect the moon (and then some) regardless as to whether it was promised.

Profit is hard enough to come by but issuing 100% refunds just because someone "might" neg you is a sure fire way to put yourself in the red. If a customer has a legitimate beef I make sure I do the right thing. Nora's buyer was far from having a leg to stand on which is why he/she allowed the Paypal dispute to expire. It's a shame that she got a neg for this but that is the way the system works.

taxi, if you have a better system in mind we would all love to hear it. eBay is not likely going to change significantly those instances where it will intervene regarding negative feedback placed.

Bill treasure-pot


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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Hello taxi,

In the past I have issued numerous refunds to protect my business reputation. This first time buyer left me negative feedback then demanded a refund. He admitted he thought he was purchasing an item in MINT CONDITION when my listing clearly stated GOOD CONDITION with 2 defects. The shipping charge was $18.47 Cdn. Are you saying I should have to pay $36.94 (shipping both ways) for a customer's inability to read? I agree with Ann. "This will only encourage dishonest buyers to try to screw over other sellers". As Bill stated I would put my small business in the red and would be out of business in no time. As sellers we create Return Policies for a reason. It protects the seller as well as encourages buyers to fully read the listing before making the purchase.

taxi, you sell new items, I sell second hand items and have to know about condition...which I'm very good at. Read my feedbacks. Customers know what they are buying if they read the listing.

Thanks Ann & Bill for your words of encouragement.


Trinkets in Time
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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
I wear my negs as a badge of honour. I provide my customers with excellent service and product. Any negs I've gotten are the direct result of the person has been extremely unreasonable or a newbie who didn't know what they were doing. I'll do a lot to make sure my customers are happy, but I won't be blackmailed.

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
Congrats Nora!!!! ***************************************************

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First negative feedback in 2 1/2 years...NEED TO VENT!

Community Member
i think whoscloset's business philosophy is the best one yet, and has the most chance of success..
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