Holidays - was it worth listing?

There was a post just before the holidays as if to list or not to list.

My results:
I had sales right up to Sunday December 26 of my regular listings - they repeat all the time. From Monday to today, sold one listing. Not a big deal as the beginning of the month always is slow. So I was happy keeping the regular listings going.

I took advantage of the .10 listing day in 2 ways.

One to duplicate most of my recurring listings to take advantage of the lower fee. Especially on the 80.00 item where it made a big diffence in fees. No sales.

The other way to repost about 100 listings that failed to sell in the past. I did lower some prices, but the listings were generally the same.

Considering what I paid in fees, it was worth while. Even though I didn't sell a lot of goods.

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Re: Holidays - was it worth listing?

Community Member
I had 5 sales between Christmas and New Year's. So far 4 of them are turning out to be NPB so it was not worth the time, effort nor expense for me during this period in any way I add it all up especially as I now have to spend time trying to get some of my fees back from eBay on the NPBs.

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Re: Holidays - was it worth listing?

Community Member
I did triple the usual sales in the first 2 weeks. I was on holidays from the 23-28th and had my store on vacation mode, did 3 sales during this time. The last couple of days of December were back to average.
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Re: Holidays - was it worth listing?

I had auctions ending the weekend before Christmas. Posted maybe 150 or so DVDs, ended up with about 70 buyers (some for multiples), all of whom paid within 24 hours, most within 8 hours (by the time I woke up the next day). First time this has happened to smoothly and man was I ever grateful.

I relisted the DVDs that didn't sell on 10 cent listing day, sold less than half of them, I have yet to receive payments from 5 buyers (only had about 20 buyers this time around) and it's been 48 hours since auction close.

At least the exchange rate deflated...that 83cent+ peak it had over the weekend was a bit unsettling.
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Re: Holidays - was it worth listing?

Community Member
Myself , I think it was worth listing turing the Holiday Season ,except for the many None Paying Winners /Bidders that either where to inebriated & to know what they where Bidding on or else they do not read Listings clearly.
Since when it is time to pay ,they come up with all the excusses we as Sellers have heard many times before.
eBay ! When are you going to change your None Paying Bidder Policy ?? I am Sick & Tired of getting (RETALIATORY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK ) From None paying ebayers.
eBay suggest`s to leave Feedback so other Sellers know about Winning Bidder Habits. When one as a Seller leaves a Negative which they deserved since no payment ever received . Why should a Winner still be allowed to leave a Feedback of any kind at all !
Buyers get the Better Deal out of Posting even though they default on Transaction .
eBay ! Check my (Unpaid Item Disputes): Have at least 10 that do not want to pay up .What am I do to ? Leave a Negative & get a Retaliatory one in return or just let the None Paying Buyer get of scott free ?
Thanks ID: knorr
PS. I am sure there are Thousand`s of Sellers out there that feel smae way & have same problem . ~~
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Re: Holidays - was it worth listing?

Community Member
I always say the same thing after reading a post similar to yours. I feel the same way about getting a retailatory neg when the Buyer doesnt pay for NO reason HOWEVER I have been a NPB on 2 ocassions and would be very upset if eBay removed my right to leave the Sellers a neg.

Its something that as Sellers we sometimes forget and I always try to put myself in the position of the other person, the Buyer.

Imagine the Buyer who wins an auction and the Seller changes the terms or refuses to sell the item at the price the Buyer won it at. Shouldnt the Buyer (now a NPB) have the right to give the Seller a neg and warn other Buyers about that Seller and their tactics?

Or imagine the Seller telling the Buyer the item doesnt come with all the parts listed, AFTER the auction ends.
Again, the Buyer has a right to walk away from the deal and leave the Seller a neg and warn other Buyers about the Seller.

The system is NOT flawless. The problem with it is that the FB system is not that important to eBay or to most Buyers as it is fairly easy for them to get a new buyer id. As a Seller, our eBay reputation hangs on keeping a certain average regardless of the validity of the negs and remarks.

Unless eBay employed tens of thousands of reps to look into each individual complaint over purportedly improperly left negs, it isnt going to get any better and that is the fact of the matter.

Your solution is generally the first one that always comes to mind and is, unfortunately not fair to Buyers who get burned by Sellers, and that in turn is unfair to the legitimate Sellers and we are stuck with it.

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