NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
E-bay gave me call about month ago and e-bay rep told me that e-bay will change feedback policy so NPD won't be able to leave retaliation feedback.

Have anybody heard anything on this subject?
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
Whats a NPD?

DO you mean NPB as in Bidder?

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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
NPD -- Non Paying Bidder, that was given strike
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
Never heard of NPD. When I was at eBay Voices non-paying bidders leaving feedback was discussed. I'm sure it's always discussed but it was said that they don't like the idea of barring people from leaving feedback.

What if the seller falsely reports non-payment? The feedback system is supposed to be used to tell both sides of a situation. We know that some don't use it the way it was intended but that's life.

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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
So basically to maintain Power Seller status Seller can not leave negs for NPD's. I would be out next month if leave NEGs for every dead beat.

If buyer did not responded over payment dispute he shouldn't be allowed to retaliate. It is common sense.

E-bay feedback system stinks big time as well as Paypal seller protection, which stinks even more.
Message 5 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
itrecovery nicely said.
Message 6 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
What I think eBay should do is to make it a little harder to leave negative feedback. Maybe a process similar as the one they have to report NPB's. Or maybe a 2-step process, whereby the negative feedback is left, but the poster has to wait 24 or 48 hours to confirm it before it's published. That could give the other party a chance to do something to solve the problem, or allow the poster to cool off -- maybe the poster had a bad day and the cat was hiding (no one to kick).

We have had only one neg (which the buyer retracted). It was left by the son of the registered member, who purchased an internal PC CDRW and could not find a power cable. The manual said "connect the power cable to the drive," which meant to connect that internal power cable in the PC to the drive, but the kid thought there was a cable missing. We phoned, clarified the situation, and his mother removed the neg his son left. With a delayed-confirmation process, this particular negative could have been averted altogether.

It's just a thought...
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
The ONLY way to have a near perfect system is to have every complaint of a neg investigated by someone at eBay and that will never happen.

A scam artist acts quickly and is an eBay member for a relatively short period of time so it is vital that anyone giving a neg, gets that neg posted quickly to warn other Sellers and get the member Narud quickly.

A 24-48 hour delay could give that Buyer enough opportunity to scam several dozen other sellers.

At the same time, many Buyers have a legitimate reason for not going ahead with the deal and paying the Seller. I have been a NPB on 2 ocassions. No FB was left, as we agreed to mutually cancel the deal however that is not always the case and a Buyer with a legitimate reason for not paying may end up with a neg and should have the opportunity to leave a neg for the Seller with full explanation.

The bottom line is for the system to work better and smoother and be more fair, eBay would have to invest substantially into it (manpower) and that will not happen. Their feeling is with the law of averages, a Seller will quickly hide the neg with more positive sales and te Buyer will be more careful in future purchases.

The ones that are truly affected by the current system are those that strive to maintain 100% positive FB and those that sell items intended for a specific age-range of people (usually under 21 yrs old) who are all too quick at negging due to lack of experience in resolving problems.

Message 8 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
I think if NPD was filled, and buyer didn't bother to respond, then his ability for NEG shoudl be blocked. This is software feature and requires zero manpower to maintain.
Message 9 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
It's not NPD, it's NPB - Non Paying Bidder. UID - Unpaid Item Dispute. Nowhere in the eBay Help system or Live Help does it say NPD. It's NPB!

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Message 10 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
Yes, you right . Just typo.
Message 11 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
Here's a thought - How about displaying non payind bidder strikes in member profiles. That could be an alternative to seller neg. feedback..
Message 12 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
I am a NPB. Have done it twice and I wouldnt want any strikes on my member profile for my not proceeding with the deals.

In both cases the Sellers were at fault. In one case the Seller was going to charge me $38 USD to ship a costume hat I purchased for $6. Their shipping charge using Fedex in the US was $5. Fedex's non-corporate rate to ship to me for the item was $12. The USPS rate was under $5.

It was a mutual cancellation to not proceed however the Seller could have just as easily reported the deal and me as a NPB.

The other instance was similar.

Dont always assume the Seller is right on NPB deals.

Message 13 of 14
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NPD can not leave feedback?

Community Member
NPD= non paying deadbeat ?
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