Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
It drives me mad. I had a buyer not pay me for an item she bought. Then being tired of this I leave her bad feedback, My feedback is over 460 at 100% and hers is 10. She has the nerve to leave me feedback and put in hers message that I'm to beware of as a seller. I get pissed and sign up for square trade to fight this. I tell them I have all the emails me asking for payment and her telling me it's on it's way but it never to show up. It cost me $20.00 US funds just to have it removed. Something is wrong here. When is E-bay going to stand up more for it's sellers. I have worked more then hard to have such a good rating and in a flash a new e-bayer screws it all up!
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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

ebay is not going to stand up for us.

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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
Having had over 30 feedback removed with Squaretrade. I can tell you never come at it begging to have the feedback removed
Getting negative out of the blue ??what too do ???

First get a program called or the new google search that searches your hard drive . Look up the persons auction #'s and email addreses with either of these tools. Review the events that have taken place with the person

In 90% of the cases leave negative feedback, this will allow a level playing feild for nagotiating the situation

Once I get the feedback , I tell them I will be opening a squaretrade report to remove both feedback.
I tell them if they felt the feedback was fair , they do not have to reply too my emails through squaretrade.

The important part is to include that BOTH feedbacks will be removed in the email too them . This generally peeks there interest

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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Or you can just file for mutual feedback withdrawl. I had a buyer who negged me because the USPS delayed her package. I negged her back and told her to look at the post mark (it was shipped <24hrs after payment). She apologized and agreed to mutual withdrawl.

There are undeserved negatives sure, but I'm not going to pay Square Trade to remove them. eBay doesn't want to stand up for its sellers if its partner Square Trade is profiting off of these situations.
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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
By supporting SquareTrade, you're just turning a blind eye and allowing eBay to continue to neglect its sellers.
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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
I have never paid for ST but have beein involved in its use twice. Both times I told the Buyers to pay $20 to have the neg they left me removed after they realized their error in leaving me a neg.

It cant be assumed that every Buyer that doesnt send a payment is at fault and eBay knows that. Some Sellers change shipping terms or the method they accept payment or even want more money than what the auction ended for so the Buyer legitimately backs out of the deal and reports the Seller as a bad Seller by leaving the approprriate negative FB.

For 99.9999% of us popsting in this forum, I am certain that this is not the case however there are alot of unscrupulous sellers amongst the eBay members and eBay buyers has as much right and resposnibility to not complete the transaction and to report the Seller.

As a Buyer, I have left negative FB and not proceeded with paying for transactions twice since being a member and I would be upset if it were automatically assumed by eBay that the Seller is always right at the expense of Buyers getting ripped off.


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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Square Trade is a total waste of time and money! They do nothing to help sellers and allow the person who left you unwarranted neg to have all the power. Since they can choose not to participate any longer in the mediation process, you are left with a neg and out 20.00! Square trade should be able to remove neg feedback even if one party chooses not to continue with the mediation process. That way, both sides can be examined and a fair decision can be made about removing the neg feedback. I never leave feedback first, you are just opening yourself up to trouble! I state my feedback policy in my auctions and basically say if you do not agree with my feedback policy, don't bid! At least you have something in writing. Nobody reads the auctions any way! I find "mutual feedback withdrawal" to be the best way to remove negs. Most people are happy to fix the problem and get the negs removed. Newbies are the worst, leaving negs without even emailing me with the problem they are having before leaving the neg. I only find out they had a problem after the neg is left. All we sellers can do is just try to make the customer happy. Some people are just miserable and we'd drive ourselves crazy trying to deal with "grumps". Merry Christmas!
Message 7 of 12
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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
Hi All!

Little hint: when you have a non-paying winner... DON'T LET ANY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK! You reputation as seller is more important than the risk to get a Negative feedback!.. It's my vision and it works... Too: Left you feedback at your buyer only after this one have left his feedback... A buyer will thinking twice before leaving a neg ou neutral feedback when he know that you will be able to do same after...!;)

Good sale!

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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
We only leave feedback to those who have first left us feedback. For us, it's the only way to protect ourselves.
Message 9 of 12
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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Ditto, and I know that's the policy of a few others PS on here. We discussed this at some length a few weeks back.
Message 10 of 12
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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
Just file the non-paying bidder dispute/final value fee and leave it at that. It'll hurt a buyer (and get them removed) alot faster than a neg. Don't leave them any feedback so you CAN retaliate if need be. They won't leave you a neg and you get "vengeance" with out paying anyone anything (and getting your fees back). Gloria
Message 11 of 12
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Re: Receiving Negative Feedback

Community Member
Hello Everyone

I totally agree with everyone that Ebay does not stand up for us sellers. Today I received a neg from a non paying bidder. A few weeks ago I also received another neg because my customer expected the package to be under her Christmas tree within 3 days (she lives in TX) I had that neg removed by filing mutual removal. Mind you it still leaves the comments but keeps your rating intact. I strive for my customer to be happy and satisfied 100%. My feedback of 100% is now damaged because of this NPB. It bugs me that I can receive a neg from a NPB but what can I do? What can we do? Nothing! I can apply to have it removed but again for what.
You know what makes things worse? I know the neg I received is from my main competition. This person has done everything in her power to shoot me down. Copies my ads, even took my pictures once (linked to my hosting site). Oh, I had fun with that but thats about it. I have asked Ebay to look into the matter of constant text copying but they always come back as not enough proof to do anything about it.

Feedback is being abused big time especially by NPB's. If they don't pay they should not be allowed to leave feedback. I thought Powerseller status gave you a bit of leverage on Ebay. I was so wrong!

I am just tired of being held hostage by some customers who feel they can blackmail you or leave a neg just because they want to ruin your reputation.

Sorry for the long rant, I had to get it out.
I do thank you all for having these threads going.
Much green to you all!:-)


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